The First Transgression

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They looked at me like deer caught in headlights. Frozen not making any movements, not even a sound. Before Andrew could even slur out my name I stopped him.

"Before a single noise slips from your rancid tongue I want you to think about how fast I could end your life. I know I can in 5 seconds varying from 8 different ways." I told him with a violent gaze.

He stared back at me with sweat beginning to roll down his face. I glace over at Emily and see a liquid start to cloud her hazel eyes. Dread began to fill the room. The aroma of fear filled my nostrils as I took a deep breath in. I began to hear ringing the silencing was so deafening.

Then it broke with a weeping sound from Emily. "My love what seems to be the problem?" I let out softly.

The silence creeped up again, accompanied by her soft whimpers. I asked her again. "Princess, why do you weep?"

Nothing once again. I became infuriated. I slipped my knife into my back pocket once again and grabbed a fistful of her hair. Spinning Emily around violently, bloodshot eyes met mine.

Enraged I shouted. "Listen you dick craving fucking bitch. I'll ask you one more time...."

Before I could finish Andrew wanted to play the role of a hero and he bashed me in the back with a vase. I stumbled but quickly regained balance. My heart began to race and my entire body felt like electricity was pumping through my veins. A strange feeling crept up my throat as I let out a maniacal laugh. I raised my fist and cocked it back, immediately after I let loose it connected with Emily's perfectly shaped jaw knocking her out cold.

Andrew bolted forward to her as the sound of her limp body connecting with the dark brown carpet echoed through my ears. I smiled as I watched him struggle on his knees to wake her back up. Pleading for her to wake up, whining like the coward he is.

"Something wrong Andy?" I chuckled.

I pulled out the knife and began to run it up my throat, stopping right at the middle. I made a small incision into my neck. The thick crimson liquid began to trickle out of my cut. I softly laughed and made a few more designs on myself, letting the blood find a way to the floor.

"You are seriously fucked up. Would you look in the mirror? I mean, you need professional fucking help." Andrew shouted out.

I began to laugh. I tried to stop myself but it was uncontrollable. I pulled out my phone and began recording him kneeling over Emily's unconscious body. Then I just started speaking and I didn't know why.

"Look at him, look at this disgrace of a human being. Wallowing in his sorrow over a slut. I'm surprised a single person would shed a tear for a whore like you. Oh sweetheart, you've broken my heart. He touched you and you touched him too. Things just changed on a fucking whim it seems. I know exactly what to do about this. It's simple see. Sinners need to be vanquished. I am here to do that. Here we have two sinners. Emily and Andrew, say hi you guys." I began rambling as I recorded what I was doing.

Emily was still knocked out and Andrew was collapsed next to her emotionally drained bawling his eyes out. I began to walk over to them.

I kicked Andrew hard in the side. "Get the fuck up you pig. Stand up in front of me."

Andrew rose and stood in front of me, tears pouring down his cheeks, his head held down. He didn't look up at me he kept his head down. As if my eyes would tear him apart if he looked at me.

I set the camera on top of a bookshelf behind the couch then I put my knife under his chin and flicked it up to lock his eyes with mine. "Hi pretty boy, lovely day isn't it?"

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