Chapter 1

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I sat on the bleachers and watched confusedly as my angry best friend came up to me with tears in her eyes that were slowly rolling down her cheeks as they dripped off of her face and onto her shirt.

By the look on her face I could tell that she was in desperate need of a hug. So that's exactly what I did. I pulled her in a long hug knowing what must've happened.

Joshua freaking Conners.

I warned her. I warned her so many times that he was just another asshole that wouldn't treat her right. But she didn't listen and that is probably why she's pouring her brains out on my brand new tshirt. I would love to just tell her off for not listening to me, but now is not the time.

I patted and rubbed her back continuously for a while, silently encouraging her to let it all out. She deserved so much better than that prick.

His past relationships were perfect reasons of why a girl should never date him. They usually lasted for days because Josh usually cheated on them or broke up with them cause apparently they were "boring".

But of course being girls, most of them dropped at his feet and followed him around like little lost puppy dogs.

His dad owned a multi-million dollar company, making his family the richest family in our little town. His parents moved here with his elder brother, Tyler, and when his mom was pregnant with Josh. They moved here because of safety reasons and saying that it was much more healthy living in a small town compared to a huge city.

To top that off, Josh was extremely good looking. Honestly he looked like he belonged in the cover of a magazine. But he just had to ruin it with his evil, uncaring, hard to stand attitude. He has gotten into so much trouble with the teachers, but the principal just kisses up to him cause his dad was the main sponsor for the school.

How do I know this?

I used to be best friends with him, but I'll tell you about that some other time.

Now getting to the matter at hand, I had a sobbing Emma crying all over my brand new t-shirt.

I patted Emma on the back, "Are you okay?"

That probably wasn't the best question to ask.

"Does it look like I'm okay? Say hello to captain obvious for me." Emma chuckled lightly. That's my Emma.

"It sounded better in my head." I shrugged.

"He cheated on me Skylar." She looked away trying not to show the tears that started falling again.

"I told you to watch out Emma." I sighed hugging her.

"He told me he loved me, which he obviously didn't mean. To make it even worse, he was the one that broke up with me saying that he needed something more exotic and fun."

That jerk.

"Yeah, exotic was probably the first thing that came across his mind when he started making out with Bianca Gilmore." she said sarcastically.

Bianca Gilmore a.k.a. Emma's arch enemy. She's a head cheerleader wannabe. She totally kisses up to the seniors and she was definitely not exotic with her barbie bleached blonde hair. When she was a freshman she got a nosejob. And I'm pretty sure that 67 percent of her is made of plastic.

Poor Emma. He broke her heart.

Something has to be done and I know just the thing to do.


*Cue the evil laugh* MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Hey, this is my second book that I've just started. Thanks for reading. The idea for this book just came to me and I thought that I just had to do it!

Chapter Challenge:

Try putting on socks without using your hands.

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