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                                                                                Bella's  point of view

" Get your lazy ass up, NOW" my mom yelled at me at 4:05 in the morning.  I immediately jumped out of bed, looked at the time and cursed at myself for  pressing snooze on my old alarm clock. After rushing down the steps and entering the living room I was met with the sight of my mother.  She was a beautiful lady but years of drugs and alcohol was catching up with her. Her once bright blue eyes were now dull and lifeless, her hair was damaged and greasy, pulled into a messy ponytail to most likely keep it out of her face when she leaned down, her skin look dirty and stenched  of one-dollar perfume and the Jack Daniels she drunk the night before, and her clothes were tattered from too many washes in the machine.  

" Yes mother, I'm sorry that I overslept, please forgive me!"  I begged her.       " Yeah whatever, get in that kitchen and make me my damned breakfast!" she yelled.        "Yes, mother" I agreed quickly.

She stumbled back to our black leather coach and proceeded in doing a line of coke while I headed into the kitchen to prepare her breakfast. Once there I took out the bread, bacon, eggs, grits, and the seasonings I needed from the cabinets.

Once all of the food was done I hurriedly made two plates since it was already 4:30 .   " Mother" I began in a soft voice " your breakfast is ready" When I didn't hear her respond I realized she probably passed out.  I carried her plate to the living room table,that was in front of the couch, trying to avoid the urge to sweep her cocaine on to the hardwood floors. After the plate was set down I walked to the side of the couch gently whispering for her to awake. " What do you want now bitch" she snapped, her words slurring together.  " Your breakfast is ready ma'am" I answered in the sweetest voice I could muster. Even though she has been this way for years, after my father left, it still hurt that my own mother turned out this way and spoke to me like this. " I made your favorite" I added trying to make her a little happy and pleased at what I did. " French toast, bacon, and your eggs which are scrambled lightly is mixed in with grits."

" Well its about time you did something right" she spat at me " Now leave my presence I don't want your disgusting face around while I eat"   "Yes, Mother" I said before walking up the stairs to wake my brother.  

When I arrived to his room I knocked lightly to see if woke up already but as usual he was still off in dream land. I pushed his door open and looked around his room. It was painted light grey with trimmings of royal blue,  there was royal blue furniture and his blankets were light grey to match the walls. The carpet was white with clothes and other messes scattered in different parts. I walked in his room,avoiding the mess, and stared at his sleeping form.  His hair was brown but could turn either darker or lighter depending on the lighting. His body was toned with muscle. He was naturally tall, standing at 6'2 so his legs were lying limply at the end of his bed.

"Lucas"  I called out gently.     " Five more minutes, please" he whined.  "I'm sorry but its already 4:33." I countered. "Fine"  " Thank you, your breakfast is already for you and if you need anything let m-   " What did I tell you about serving me?" he yelled at me.  " I said not to do it and here you are doing it!" he continued to fuss. " Now you have to face punishment" he  grinned.

"NO....NO I'm sorry, please" I plead but it was already too late. He began tickling me on my sides while I plead for his mercy. By the time he was finished I had tears running down my face and my stomach was aching.  " Now maybe next time you'll listen"      " I've learned my lesson"    " Just to make sure we're on the same page what was the lesson I just taught"     " That I don't need to serve you and that we are equal."  "Good, make sure you remember that and just because that woman treats you horribly doesn't mean that I will."    "Thank you" I expressed my gratitude towards him. I was grateful that he treated me as a sister instead of a good for nothing slob.  " But now you really need to go down and eat your breakfast it's almost 5:00.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2017 ⏰

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