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I look at my watch. It's 9:00. I need to get to my music class. I walk around campus and see a lonely boy, sitting by himself. I walk up to him.

"Hi there. I'm just wondering where the music classes are?"

Boy: "just turn to your left down this way." He points his hand in the direction I am supposed to go.

"Thank you. I'm Eren by the way."

Armin: "I'm armin. Nice to meet you Eren."

"Well thank you for showing me where music is, so I guess I should be on my way."

Armin nods and smiles.

I turn left as armin directed me and walk into a massive theatre room along with a bio box in the corner.

"You're late."

I swiftly turn around and greet a very stern face. He must be the teacher.

"Ohh I'm sorry Mr... Uh..."

Mr Ackerman: "Mr Ackerman."

I nod and take a seat. And to be honest... Mikasa was right. Ohhhh myyyy gooood he is one yummy teacher. He appears behind me and whispers in my ear.

Mr A: "If you're late again, you will be punished."

I feel a shiver goes down my spine as his warm breath touches my skin. I nod slowly.

Mr A: "what is your name?"

Me: "uh.. Eren. Eren Jaeger."

Mr A: "hmm, so why did you choose this class?"

Me: "I like to express my feelings?."

Mr A: "fascinating." He looks at me biting his lip. I stare right into his grey eyes. I can't stop staring. He's just so gorgeous.

Mr A: "Right. Let's get this class started shall we."

He runs his fingers through his black hair and appears at the front of the class. I never realised that I was drooling all over my bag. I need to text mika. I pull out my phone.



Yeah try me biatch.


"Eren, you can come to my office after class for having your phone out. I would also like to check out some of your music."

I don't mind that at all.


He gives me a confused look. Then gives me a smirk. IVE NEVER FELT SO GAY IN MY LIFE. MIKA WHY.

After class, he hand signals me to come with him. I rush to his side and try to stay as calm as possible. I'm a little nervous.


"Mr Ackerman."

He places his face next to my ear.

"Something about you fascinates me."


"You can call me Levi, but only outside of class. Now, show me what you got."

I pull out my laptop and open my music store. I click on a song I made. It's called Dear Mother.

Levi: "what is it about?"

Me: "... My mother." I look down.

He nods.

"Dear mother, where have you been?
I've been here waiting for you.
I feel so broken and lonely.
Why did you leave me behind.

I just want you to hold my hand.
And tell me everything is ok.
But I finally realised that you will never come back.
But remember I was a little boy with hope and faith.
You've spread your wings and flown away from your suffering.

Who's going to be there to show me the way?
Who's going to love me unconditionally?
Who's going to push me in the right direction?
Who's going to be there while I grow up?
I miss you.

Dear darling, I love you.
Please remember all that you've learnt.
I know that things won't be quite the same.
I will always live in your heart.
So know that you will never walk alone.

Who's going to be there to show you the way?
Who's going to love you unconditionally?
Who's going to push you in the right direction?
Who's going to be there while you grow up?
I miss you."

A tear escapes my eyes. Levi was pretty close to crying too.

Levi: "you wrote this for your mother?"

I nodded, not wanting to say anything.

"Eren that was beautiful, if you don't mind me asking, what happened?"

I gulp, "I was 6. I was exposed to witnessing domestic violence in my family. It got so bad, that it killed my mum. My dad is in prison to this day...."

Levi gives me an apologetic look.

Levi: "I'm so sorry Eren."

Me:"Oh don't be. It's in the past. I do miss her though. I recently moved out of nana's house into a new apartment with my best friend, mika. I'm a lot happier now."

Levi stands up and walks toward me. He pulls me into a warm embrace.

Levi: "it's okay Eren."

I silently cry into Levi's shoulder. This is so weird, but I like it. Someone who cares. I met him literally 5 hours ago.

... Could this be love at first sight?

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