Sick Day

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You awoke from your restless slumber covered in used tissues and cough drop wrappers to the sound of a knock on your door. You groaned as you got out of bed, you head pounding as you made your way to the door. You opened it to see Spencer Reid, your co-worker who you secretly had a crush on, at your door with grocery bags in hand.
"Spence?" You asked groggily as you pulled the blanket that was draped across your shoulders tighter around you.
"Oh, I'm sorry, we're you asleep?" He said as he walked into your apartment.
"Um... Yeah... What are you doing here?" You asked as you wiped the sleep from your eyes.
"Well when Hotch said you were sick yesterday I took the day off today to take care of you," he said as he pulled many tissue boxes and other items out of the bags.
"Oh, well, you didn't have to do that," you said as you used your sleeve to wipe snot from your nose.
"I know," he said " But I wanted to," he looked up at you, wondering how someone could look so beautiful when they are sick.
"Thank you," you said, just before a sneeze. Reid rushed to hand you a tissue which you graciously blew your nose into. Right after your head suddenly felt like a tight rubber band was wrapped around it and you winced, closing your eyes and rubbing your temples. Spencer took you over to the couch in your apartment and began to massage your head for you. You looked up and gave him a pained smile, trying to show your gratitude. When the pain went away you cuddled into his side, suddenly extremely exhausted. Spencer rubbed circles on your back as you fell asleep in his arms.
You woke up once again on the couch but Spencer was not there. You were confused, wondering if it was all just a wonderful dream when you looked in the kitchen to see Reid cooking lunch.
"Hello" he said as he looked back at you.
"Hi," you said as you began to get up.
"No, no, it's fine, I'm pretty much done," he said gesturing for you to sit back down. You obeyed and sat on the couch. Spencer walked over to you with a tray of food that included chamomile tea, (your favorite fruit), grilled cheese, and (your favorite soup).
"There you go," he said as he set the tray on the coffee table.
"You really are just too sweet," you commented as you looked at the food. He blushed as he put in a Doctor Who disc into your DVD player.
"What season?" You asked as he brought his meal next to you.
"(Your fav season, season 2 if you haven't seen it because that is my favorite)" he replied.
"Yay!!" You exclaimed "that's my favorite!" He chuckled at your excitement for the show. You both sat and ate your lunch on the couch watching your favorite episodes of your favorite show. Who knew being sick could be this good?
     You and Reid spent the rest of the afternoon cuddling and watching Doctor Who and old movies. You ate dinner together and Spencer started to clean up the kitchen while you brushed your teeth. When you walked out of the bathroom you said "Hey Spence?"
     "Yeah (Y/N)?" He said
      "I was wondering if you would stay with me tonight?" You awkwardly asked him not, making eye contact. He walked over to you and made you look at him.
     "I would love to," he said as he pulled out his pajamas.
     When he was changed you both climbed into your bed together and he read you a book. You slowly drifted off to sleep to the sound of his voice and the feeling of his body next to yours. Right as you were on the brink of sleep you could've sworn you felt him kiss the top of you head and whisper "I love you (Y/N)," but you were too tired to tell.

Okay, that was super awesome to write! I think I might prefer one-shots to writing other books! I hope you guys enjoy and I would love requests or really just ideas in general!!! Let me know if you'd like one!

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