Kidnapped pt. 1

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     You set your bags by the front door of your apartment.
     "Are you sure you don't want me to take you?" Spencer asked for the 5th time in 58 minutes.
    "I'll be fine, besides, I'll only be at my parents for 4 days," you replied as you walked over to him. Spencer wrapped his arms around you and you returned the gesture.
     "I know, but I'll miss you," he said as you tilted your head up to his. He kissed you but you had to pull away.
     "I've got to go," you said "I'll be late,"
      "I love you," he said as you walked towards the door.
      "I love you too," you replied. You and Spencer had been dating for 2 years and it has been amazing.
    "Call me when you get to the airport," he said as you started to close the door.
      "Will do," and with that you were walking to your car.
     You were jamming out to your favorite song on the highway when you realized you were almost out of gas. You got off at the nearest exit and went to a gas station. It was practically deserted. Understandably, of course, it was 5:35 in the morning. You pulled up to the gas pump and put your car in park, you attempted to open your door but it was locked. You tried once again after pushing the unlocked button but it wouldn't budge. You started to sense something was wrong. And as if right on cue, your car began to fill with a white smoke, you knew this wasn't going to end well. Your vision started to blur and you reached for your phone to text Spencer. You felt yourself start to get sleepy. The last thing you did was text Help to Spencer before your vision went black.

      Reid's POV
I was tying my tie when a text popped up from (Y/N).
Help. Was all it read. Panicked, I immediately called her. It went straight to voice mail. I ran my hand through my hair. Something was wrong. I grabbed my keys and ran out the door, speeding to the office.

I was walking to my desk when I saw Spencer run in. His hair was disheveled, tie half tied and no shoes on. Something had happened.
    "Spence, what's wrong?" I asked as I went up to him.
     "(Y/N)," he breathed out, tears welling up in his eyes. I brought him over to a chair and made him sit down.
      "Where is she?" I asked.
     "I don't know!" He exclaimed. "I should have taken her to the airport! I should have gone with her!" Spencer broke down then, he put his face in his hands and sobbed. I put my hand on his back rubbing comforting circles. He was like a brother to me. Just then, Morgan walked in and saw us. He quickly came over.
     "What's wrong?" He asked, flustered.
    "It's (Y/N)," I said "She's gone. Is Hotch here yet?" Morgan shook his head, and immediately pulled out his phone, texting everyone to get to the office immediately. Oh, I hope we find her soon... (Y/N) is the best thing that has ever happened to Spencer.

Wow, guys I actually updated! It is a miracle! Sorry but I am actually the worst writer when it comes to updating! Hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter!
-apple 🍏

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