From my Bully to my Love - Harry Styles FanFiction

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Hey i am Darcy, 16 years old, was quite good at school, and very happy, got friends...everything was perfect. Untill my life was ruined. One day my mum got a call from the hospital, telling her, her husband was a drug addict and died from it. We all were so shocked, because he always seemed to be so happy and i dont think that anyone would have ever a man like him to be a drug addict. Ever since that day my mum began to slap me or treat me like a piece of shit. She is always telling me that im the most terrible daughter on planet earth and even blames me for his death. Just like my Ex-Best Friend, Harry Styles. He began to bully me. My life his like hell. Sometimes i just want to give up, unlike my wonderful, popular, pretty, clever sister, Rose. My mum always treated her like a princess. I truly hate my life!

''WAKE UP DARCY!'' my mum yelled as she enters my room.

''I am up for good sakes'' i rudely shouted back.

''Why are you talking to me like that?'' she whisper-yelled.

''As if you dont know.'' I spitted at her. Who the hell does she think she is? Telling me how to speak like that! Suddendly something hard made contact with my cheek. She slapped me, again. I dont know why im still shocked when she does that, i guess its because she is my mum and i dont think that anyone deserves to get treat like that. Especially not from their mum.

''Out!'' i screamed.

''What?'' She said speechless, probably shocked that her daughter is finally fighting back.

''GET THE FUCK OUT!!'' i screamed into her face.

Her head turned red and then she kicked my stomach very hard, and went out of my room. Tears are already falling down my cheeks. I just want to know the reason why she does that. Like what have i done? Unlike me, she is treating my sister like she is the queen.

I took a cold shower, finally feeling alive again. When i was done, i put a towel around my body, got dressed splashed 'Someday' by Justin Bieber on my body and put a little bit of mascara on. I looked at myself in the mirror and tried to cover up all the bruises thats been made by my mum and harry the past few days. Then i went back to the bath and put my hair in a high ponytail.

I went upstairs and saw my mum and my sister smiling and talking to each other. Ugh.

I took an apple, my bag and mobile phone and tried to get out the house. But my mum had to stop me, of course.

''Didnt you forget something?'' my mum angrily said.

''um no i dont think so?'' What the hell does she mean?

''Shut the fuck up and think for one second'' she came closer to me until her face was just a few inches away from my face.

''Mum not again, please.'' i was completely done with her. She already gave me a punishment without even a reason and now she dares to want to slap me again.

''Fucking say good bye if you go out of my house'' she shouted angrily.

''Mum just leave it.'' my sister Rose tried to stop her, but she was to late, she already slap me. Oh great, what a morning.


I 'finally' entered school, already feeling all the stares from the popular girls who of course whispered and laughed. Seriously?

I tried to go to my locker as usual, but someone slammed me against it, and this somebody was Harry Motherfucker Styles.

''Watch your way fatty'' He laughed, and went away.I already felt the tears in my eyes. Man i swear my ribs are broken after the slap from my mum and now this.

From my Bully to my Love - Harry Styles FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now