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Dallas's POV

I heard the dinner bell ringing and rushed down the stairs. I sat down at my seat and began to eat. I was almost half way done with my plate when I heard Jane's voice ring out through to dining hall.

"Hey Hebert, hand it over." I looked up slowly and handed her my plate. Jane was the oldest of this small girls orphanage where I lived, and she was also the meanest. She reached at least six feet tall, and she was big boned to make it worse. She had masculine features and a mess of full brown curls. Everyone was scared of her, even her two little worshippers, thirteen year old Cali and sixteen year old Lauren. Those three thrived in making my life miserable, only because I was the "new" girl in the school, even though I'd been here for two years. I was way too skinny for my liking, thanks to Jane taking my food everyday. But Kelsey, the only one who wasn't afraid of Jane, due to them being the same age, would sneak me food. She was two years older than me but it didn't matter, we were still quite close. We shared a room, and she was nice enough to give me the more comfortable bed.

I came here a year after my family died; not one of my foster families wanted to keep me. My family had died in a plane crash, which I had miraculously survived. My kin claimed they couldn't take care of me, but I know they just didn't want me to live with them. So the government sent me here, and now I've been here for two years.

"Dallas..." I heard Kelsey whisper. I glanced at her and then shoved my chair back, walking up the stairs to our room. She met me up there ten minutes later and handed me two pieces of bread.

"I got some from Megan," she said.

"Thanks Kelsey," I grinned and ate the bread quickly. I lay back on my bed, playing on my phone.

"So what are you gonna do for your birthday?" I asked, glancing over at her.

"Well..." she trailed off and grinned at me," I was thinking that me and you could go to a concert!"

"No way!" I sat up,"who?!"

"Little Mix!" She cried happily. I knew that they were her favorite band, so of course we were going to their concert. I was a little disappointed that it wasn't The Fray or Cher Lloyd but oh well.

"Sweet!" I cried, getting over my disappointment quickly.

"Yeah..." her smiled faded a bit," you know I leave next week right?" I nodded sadly. Kelsey turned eighteen next week, which means she lives on her own. I was really going to miss her.

"Maybe someone will adopt you," she said hopefully, trying to get my spirits up.

"Psh whatever. Like someone would adopt me out of all these girls," I scoffed. She looked hurt.

"Ok I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. But c'mon, no one comes around here nowadays, it's been six months since Brianna left," I sighed.

"There's always hope," she gave me her priceless smile.

*two days later*

Kelsey's POV

I had gotten the tickets for the concert, and also backstage passes. It had cost me a fortune, but I had been saving up for it since I was fourteen. I hoped the concert made Dallas feel better, she's so sad about my leaving.

"Hey Dal," I said as I walked into our room.

"Hey," she smiled as she glanced up at me.

"Whatcha doin?" I asked, plopping down onto the floor next to her.

"Oh just painting my nails. Do you have an outfit picked out for to concert??" She asked eagerly. I grinned, glad to see she was looking forward to it.

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