You Must Be The Sole

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You must be the sole in every shoes I wear. Partly because I can't wear it very well without you. Like I can't live my own life without you in my side. I learned and used to live my life with you. So I can't imagine life without you. You are my life. And, YES, I am so in love life! And that means I am so in love with you. 

You must be the most picturesque thing I have ever seen. Probably, when I take a look on you, I'm starting to stare and it's hard for me to take off of my eyes from you. You're a magnet and I am the metal. I am always connected to you and it's hard for me to stick out. 

You don't believe in fairy tales like how I grown up and believed to. You don't believe in happy endings for your mind is totally made up to. It doesn't exist. So for you, happy endings don't exist too. 

You don't love to read but you always find yourself buying fiction books for me. You must be the book and I am the fanatic reader. Because, I read all your burdens, I read all your emotions, I read all your thoughts by just staring in your eyes. Your eyes says you love me. But you never said that thing. 

You must be the air I am breathing. Partly because, I can't breath properly when you're tapping my head  and sweetly pinching my cheeks like I am a little child that only wants chocolates and sugar. And I am holding my every breath when you are doing those things. 

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