Only one night

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The sun was just starting to set and some people were heading home while others were wandering the streets enjoying the evening. (Y/n) however, was watching Edward search frantically for Giselle. He had stabbed a bus with his sword claiming it was a beast. (Y/n) sighed and quickly ran after Edward. "Edward! Maybe you should start searching again tomorrow. It's already getting pretty late." Edward looked at her and snapped his fingers. "You have a point there peasant. You and I shall find my Giselle in the morning. Now let's head back to your home." (Y/n) started at Edward like he was insane. She could already tell that her mouth was most likely hanging open in disbelief. Who does this man think he is? Well a prince apparently, but that gives him no right to act so spoiled. "What?" Was all she could manage to say. Edward only smiled at her and nodded his head. 'Well what am I supposed to do now?' (Y/n) thought to herself. It's not like she could just walk away Edward would most likely follow. She looked the man up and down. ' I'll let him stay one night, the man might be off medication and could need supervising'. Looking Edward right in the eyes (y/n) finally spoke up. "You can stay one night. First thing in the morning we will go look for your fiancée but after that you will have to stay somewhere else." Edward clapped his hands together and smiled. "Wonderful! Let us be on our merry way!!" And with that Edward turned around and began walking off singing as he went. (Y/n) stood there briefly watching him go. "Wrong way Edward."

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