It is currently 4:45 in the morning. Cannot sleep. SO, I made one of these wattpad things. My girlfriend has one. I don't look at it because she forbids me to see it. Oh well. HOW THE TABLES HAVE TURNED MY DEAR!... Where was I going with this? I don't know... OOooo maybe a poem?? poetry is fun I suppose. All my poems will rhyme because that is awesome poetry. Now that we're acquainted lets begin shall we?.....(25 minutes later).. Well I can't seem to write any good poetry right now. How about I just talk. Let this decide if you want to stick around...
I'm not one for speeches and lectures about your future or anything to put you down or pressure you. I'm here to inspire you. Nobody but you. I want you to do good in life. To achieve something everyone told you was impossible or improbable. Don't just focus on one goal. Focus on everything you've ever wanted to do. You are in control. You hold the whole world in your hands.. You just aren't sure what to do with it yet. BUT you will know when the time comes.. Don't settle for something just because its familiar. Get out of your comfort zone. Its the only way to achieve greatness!
I hope i'm not being boring?? I mean of course I am! You want something good! Something.. life changing I suppose?.. WELL DO I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU. I'm not here to change your life. I'm here to help YOU change your life. Rely on yourself. Focus on you. You have the power to just go outside right now and do something! Anything! Go talk to someone, explore. Do something you wouldn't normally do! You're probably sitting there thinking "oh but i can't because -insert lame excuse here-". Just like I told you before, YOU HAVE THE WHOLE WORLD IN THE PALM OF YOUR HANDS.
This is just the beginning my friends. Stick around. I will help you. Trust me.
your friend,
Attempt To Inspire #1
RandomAttempt #1 of trying "wattpad". Maybe inspire?? Who knows!!