The Haunted Game

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I closed my eyes. All I saw was darkness, endless darkness. Some colorful spots came into view. It was like a light in the endless darkness. I liked this feeling. The feeling of not being all dark, because that's how it sometimes feels like. Like I'm all dark and alone. Without any color in my life. But I couldn't stay like this forever. I had to do this for my mom and my sister. I opened my eyes and raised my hand.

"Me." I said. All eyes were on me, some were full of concern, some were full of disbelief, but most of them relief. They were so glad I said I'd do it so they daughter or son didn't need to do this. I totally understand them. I looked around at my mother. Her eyes were full of tears, not sad tears, but happy tears. She knew I wouldn't make it. She knew I was too weak, I hope I can prove her wrong.

"What's your name, boy?" A voice asked me as I entered the room. The room had shock pink walls and a green floor. At some of the walls there were some pictures. One of the pictures was a picture of a man with a sword in his hand. He had a look on his face that said he was happy with him self. I quickly recognized him as the first champion in The Haunted Games.

"Norman. Jake Norman." She smiled a fake smile and continued to ask me questions. How old are you? 15. Where you from? Green River. I answered quickly and with short answers.

"Family?" She asked with her thin eyebrows raised. Her blue hair was up in a high ponytail and her red lips were in a straight line. Hr clothes were casual. Some jeans and a shirt.

"A little sister and a mom." I said. My dad passed away a few years ago. Car accident. My mom blamed me. That's why she didn't cry when I left. She hated me. I was nothing but a reminder of my dad’s death, she said I looked to much like him. She meant it was my fault he died, that's only because my dad was going to drive me home from practice. How I survived without no injuries I don't know, but I know it somehow was my fault. My mom was right. If he didn't come to pick me up, he would still be here. He would still be here and tell me not to do this, but he's not.

"The flight will leave in 20 minutes. Pack up and be ready when we come to pick you up." And with that she left. I didn't want to go home, but I needed my dad journal. It was the only thing left I had of him. Quickly I got up and out of the room with the shock pink walls. I ran home and got my dad’s journal, my plant book and a pair of shoes. I was ready to go when I heard a voice behind me.

"Don't leave me, Jakie." I turned around and looked down at my little sister. Her blonde hair was in two pigtails and she wore a beautiful pink summer dress. She was only three years old. I was surprised she understood what's going on.

"I'm sorry, Susan, but I have too. Say goodbye to mom from me, okay? I'll be back." I said and gave her a sad smile. She looked up at me with her big blue eyes, which was full of tears. "You promise you will come back for me?" She asked, her voice cracking. I took a deep breath and nodded.

"I have to go now. Love you." I quickly said and ran out the door. This was the start of my death trap. I knew it.

"Oh Jake, you made it!" A voice said, this time it was a male voice. I turned around to see a tall man with brown hair and tan skin walk against me. "The flight will leave now, please come with me." He said as he reached me and laid an arm around me.

"I'm Leroy, by the way, your manager. You'll see much of me." He said with a smile and led me down some hallways. It looked like an old building, maybe from the 18th century. He then took me to a large room with marble floor and white walls. It was beautiful. "There it is." He said and pushed me out the door that was at the end of the room. I saw a giant plane stand there and looked at it in shock.

"I'm riding that?" I asked surprised. It was huge. I don't know how long, but much longer than the usual kind. Leroy took me up the stairs and inside the plane.

"The plane flight will take two days, so here's a little room and a bathroom." He explained as he took me to the back of the flight. "We have clothes and everything in your drawer. If you're hungry just ask and we'll find you something." Without another word he left and I studied my room. It wasn't big, but it was big enough for me. It had a simple bed and a drawer. The drawer was black and looked old. I laid my thing on top of the drawer and sat down on my bed. It's happening. I'm going to be a part of The Haunted Games.


"Jake. Jake. Wake up. Jake." A male voice said. I grunted and opened my eyes. “Good morning.” Wait morning? I can't remember falling asleep. Leroy stood over the bed with a cup of water. "Breakfast in ten. Don't be late." He said and left the room. I looked over at the drawer and saw a pair of clothes lay there. Quietly I walked over to it and looked at the clothes, a pair of jeans, a shirt and a leatherjacket. Not so bad.

"Good morning." A woman with long blond hair and pale skin said when I entered the dining room, or whatever it was. I couldn't see her face so well, but I could see she was good looking. I smiled a weak smile and walked over to the small table. The room it was in was quite big, to be inside a plane. I walked over to the table and sat down. A delicious sleep hit my nose, it was sweet but not too sweet. I sat down and looked at the plate in front of me, there was a toast with jelly, but that was not what smelled like heaven. It was the small cupcake with blue frosting and stars on.

“Let’s begin. You know what The Haunted Game is, right?” Leroy asked and I nodded. “Good. Well, this year we, I mean you, are going to do it different. Instead of split up, you make a group. You will try to take everyone in, if someone says no, let them go, let them die out there with all the monsters. There will be many creatures out there, vampires, ghosts, demons and many more that you can’t name. That’s what this is for.” He said and help up an old book with brown leather cover. “In this book every creature that was ever made, stands explained. There’s creatures you only thought was fantasy, creatures you thought only was a fairytale. Since it’s the 100th game, they will even take creatures that doesn’t stand in this book, or they will mix them up. I really hope you take this serious, it’s really important. Think ‘bout your sister, Jake, think about your mother.” I sat down my toast that I had started eating on.

“You know nothing ‘bout my mother! So stay away.” I said and rushed out of the room too my bed room. I hate when people talk like they know everything about me. They don’t. They don’t know a shit. I sat down on the bed and took my head in my hands. I can’t believe him! I tugged my hair. He has nothing to do with my life, fine, he might be able to save my life, but he don’t need to act all ‘I know how you are feeling’ because he doesn’t, he never will understand how painful it is to have a mom that hate you, or have a mom who can’t take care of her self, and specially not her kids. He doesn’t understand how hard it is too loose the only member in this family that cared about you, that loved you.

I felt my eyes start to tear up. No, don’t cry, be strong. You need to be strong. Do this for dad, do this for dad. I took a deep breath and wiped away the tears. I’m strong, I can do this. “Are you okay?” A voice said behind me. I nodded, but didn’t look up to see who it was. “I’m sorry, you’re right, I don’t know anything ‘bout you, I shouldn’t have brought it up, it was wrong.” I looked up and saw Leroy. Again, I nodded, I didn’t trust my voice right then, I was so mad and I was afraid that I would yell at him. My dad had said that you are not weak if you show emotions, but try to tame them. Leroy sighed and sat down beside me.

“Look, I’m not going to say that I know how you’re feeling, but I want you to know that it doesn’t hurt to show some emotions. If you’re angry, you can show that you’re angry, if you’re sad, show it. Don’t be afraid to show it. It’s not wrong to feel.” He said and put an arm around my shoulder. When I didn’t answer he sighed and left the room. I let out my breath I didn’t know I was holding.

The plane landed earlier than expected so we had more time training. Leroy showed me how to handle a sword and a gun. Most of the guns were full of powder, I didn’t catch the name, but it was for ghosts. One of them even had silver bullets, yes, for werewofs. It wasn’t that hard to fight, it was much easier than I thought. Of course it would be harder when I meet the real deal, but if you practice, you’ll make it. Leroy said I must have the gene in me. I sighed and took some sit-ups and push-ups before I ran a little.


More coming soon! Hope you enjoy it! 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2013 ⏰

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