Introduction + Life Hack #1

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This is Robin, because Regina refused to write an introduction for this... It's not like I'm forcing her to marry someone twice as old as her *glares at Cora and Leopold* But that's beside the point.

So, since my smol Queen wants nothing to do with this introduction, I can say whatever I like and she won't notice until it's published.

Anyways, for this book, Regina and I will be sharing some life hacks with you. Hopefully most of them will work in your non-magical world, but Regina's life hacks may just tell you to fireball your way through life. Which is not the best decision, because you can't fight fire with fire. ("Okay, Robin, so just summon some water, and you're good.")

Knowing the people Regina calls her friends (*cough* Emma *cough*) they'll want to submit some life hacks too. And probably some of the others besides Emma as well, so we'll see how much of these are actually written by us.

Now that the introduction is over with, onto the first life hack!


Life Hack #1: If you want to have a better chance at finding Easter eggs in your Easter egg hunt, don't let a thief hide them.

I'm pretty sure there are still some plastic eggs in the Charmings' Underworld apartment..... Maybe Arthur can try to find them...

~Long live the Locksleys🏹🍎

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