Day 1

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The day had started out as just another Sunday for Jessica and Tyler Alberson. They got up at the usual time and took the usual route to the flea market that their parents always insisted on going to. They didn't mind though because they had each other for company. The two siblings have been close forever though that may have to do with them being twins. They had both taken after their mother with dirty blond hair and warm hazelnut eyes. They were both above average height, with Tyler being a bit taller. Tyler had a defined face after years of working out while Jessica had a soft, round face with glasses that was very inviting. Their skin was a cocoa brown after years of living in California. However similar or different they looked, one thing would always be the same: their attitude. They both approached life in a fairly laid back fashion but could be cynical easily and constantly were sarcastic. And they had certainly been sarcastic that fateful Sunday. They were just pulling up to the flea market when Tyler's phone died. "Damn it, I must have forgotten to charge it last night." His sister's voice rang out in a sing-song tone, "I told you that would happen." He snapped back, "Shut up" before quickly getting out so he could have the last word. The two siblings met with their parents in front of the car and were told the same spiel that they had heard many times before. " We are going to look at the clothes section. You two feel free to wander around and make sure not to get into any trouble." They responded with the usual "Yes Ma'am" and "Yes Sir" and then headed out. For most people who were 17 and about to be seniors, the flea market would be a terrible experience but for the Alberson twins, it was the highlight of their week. They loved to walk around and see all of the different people and items the market had throughout. They were idly chatting when they reached the booth of an old African woman with what looked liked an Afro of thin, gray hair. They stopped and started looking at the many things the lady had set up. She had a wide selection of different jewelry, from necklaces to rings, and also had a wide selection of dolls and wooden figures, like the kind sold in voodoo shops in New Orleans. The two siblings started laughing and picked up two of the dolls. "Ooooooo, I'm a cursed doll who's here to haunt you," Tyler said jokingly while waving the doll in front of his sister. "Oh no, please don't hurt me mister doll, I'm just a girl doll trying to survive,"Jessica said in an equally joking manner while waving her own doll. The old woman at the booth then moaned out at the children, "I wouldn't play with those dolls if you know what's good for you." The children turned towards the woman and said in a very inquisitive and sarcastic tone, " Oh really, why is that?" "Because whoever insults these dolls insults the spirits inside of them and a great curse is brought upon them," the woman responded. "Well, call us skeptics but we find that a bit hard to believe," the children shot back. "Very well, just know, you have been warned, you will not survive the next week," the old woman eerily moaned at the children. "Ok then, see ya," the children responded as they threw the dolls down a bit forcefully and preceded to mumble things to each other about the woman. The rest of the children's day was nothing special and the car ride home was the same as always with bits of mumbling about the old woman. The children sped through dinner and shot up to their room, not for any reason, but just because they liked being in their room. Hours passed as they held a conversation while finishing homework. As it was nearing midnight, they finally decided to go to bed. " 'Night Jess," Tyler said sleepily. " 'Night Ty," Jessica responded. They settled into their beds and were peacefully staring at the ceiling, their eyes slowly fluttering closed.
That's when the screaming began.
Quick authors note:
I apologize for this first chapter being a bit long and if it seemed to drag on, I just wanted to fully establish everything. Stay cool and don't mess with old African ladies. -J

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