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**Ali's P.O.V.**

When I return with a change of clothes for Jasmin, paul picked her up and we started walking to one of the black cars.

Paul places Jasmin in the back seat then climbs into the drivers seat. I place the clothes onto the seat beside Jasmin then jump into the passenger seat.

We drove to the hospital in silence, when we got there paul picked her up again and I grabbed her clothes then we walked in. We walked up to the front desk and the lady sitting there looked alarmed at the limp girl in Paul's arms.

She asked what happened and we explained then told her that we think she broke her arm. The lady at the front desk called a nurse over and the nurse lead us to a room. Paul layed Jasmin down onto the bed and the nurse started checking all of her vitals then she moved to her right arm, which was bent at a weird angle.

As soon as she touches it Jasmin shoots up and yells,

"Holy fuck!"

The nurse jumps back is surprise and then quickly tells her that she is going to give her a needle that will make her pain go away. The nurse turns around and grabs a needle filled with a yellowish liquid. She sticks it into jasmins left arm and almost instantly Jasmin relaxes and then passes out again.

The nurse turns to us and says,

"Well, the bad news it... That her wrist is broken and will have to be set, and the good news is that we just have to set it, put it in a cast, and you guys can leave!"

Once she said that she called the casting crew and told them that they had a patient coming in a few minutes. She told me to grab Jasmin's left hand to allow her to squeeze so I did as I was told, and the nurse gingerly grabs her right wrist and cracks it into place. Jasmin by now had woken and was biteing her lip and squeezing my hand.

She let out a sad wimper then stayed quiet for the rest of the time. The nurse wheeled her over into another room where there was a group of three people that I assumed where the casting crew.

While they were casting her wrist, they were telling us this we needed to know,

"Okay, so she will have this cast on for two months then she will need a splint for another month after that. She can't get this wet... I think that is all!" The person said.

While they were casting her arm they asked her what colour she wanted. She said,

"Could I have... Black?"

"Sure!" Another one of the people said to her.

Once they finally finished casting her arm they just said Paul had to do some paper work then we could leave. While Paul did the paper work Jasmin changed and we talked,

"You know Niall feels really bad, he didn't mean to hurt you!" I tell her.

**Jasmin's P.O.V.**

I felt terrible that Niall felt that way! He didn't mean to, and it's not that bad.

"Yea... I know he didn't mean to" I say back to ali.

Just as I say that Paul walks in and tells us that we are free to go. He hands me a small pill bottle,

"The doctor gave these to me, she said to take one when your wrist hurts."

"Okay thanks Pauly!" I yell while throwing my arms him.

He just sighs. I let go of him and we make our way out of the hospital. I thank the nurse at the front counter and we climb into The sleek black car. I scream out shotgun as soon as we get outside of the hospital. When we get to the Car I climb into the car and sit in the passenger seat.

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