Friday: Good Mythical Café

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I love working here.
Everyone is nice, it always smells like coffee, it pays well, the customers are great. It's even better when I put my new glasses on.

But I feel like something is missing. I'm not sure what, but I know it's not here. Yet. I'll figure it out eventually.

It's 11:00.
A man opens the door.

"Oh hello, I've been expecting you."

He smiles and sits down.
"The usual, please."

I fix up his specific order.
American black coffee.
5 sugars.
2 creamers.

The café is almost empty today and business is slow. I take my time and walk his coffee over to him instead of calling his name.

I set the coffee down in front of the man and sit down in a near by chair.

"So how's it goin Mark?"

He takes a sip of his coffee.

"Fine. How bout you?"

"I'm doin great. There's supposed to be a new guy coming in tomorrow. I bet he'll think were crazy."

Mark laughs. He takes anther sip.

"How's the search goin?"

"Same as usual. Not good."

"That's too bad. I can't find mine either."

"Well we'll pull through in the end, right?"

"...sure Randi." He looks down at his coffee.

"Oh come on don't be so down! I'm sure they're out they somewhere just waiting for you! I mean come on. This Markimoo can't stay alone forever."

"Alright. I'll try to be more optimistic."

"YAY!!!" I jump out of my seat.

He glares at me. I slowly sink back into my chair. He finishes his coffee as I watch the door for customers.

It's quiet.

Mark leaves. My shift ends. Samantha walks in the back door.

"Hey! How's it going Ran!"



I turn to look and sure enough the pretty bird is sitting on a branch outside the café.

"Oh cool."


"Hey hey hey hey hey! You know what the bosses said about cursing!"

"-NG AWESOME!!! Oh yeah right sorry. Whoops."

She shrugs. I sigh. Sam has a weird obsession with blue birds. Any bird that's even slightly blue gets her extremely excited. I tell her to be more careful about her language and leave for the day.

I screw in the last piece and slide out from underneath the vehicle.

"Alright she's good to go!"

The customer thanks me before he gets in his car and leaves.

I did my job. I grab all my stuff and I rush to get out of this miserable place. I won't be coming back.

Author's Note #I think 4
Yes I realize 5 sugars is too much, but I didn't realize how much sugar it's actually in one. So just pretend like these sugars ate only kinda sweet.

That moment though when you can't sleep then you realize there was caffeine in your coffee that you had earlier. Idiot= me 24/7/365.

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