Chapter 14

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》》Ella's POV《《

I get released from hospital today. Thank god! I hate hospital's! Not for any bad reason, but the smell and the idea that there is a really ill person here, or someone dieing. Now for most the family member passing away is the worst bit, but honestly I think it's watching loved ones break down, after trying to be strong. Now that's the worst.

Jake hasn't left my side for the 2 days I've been here. Sweet. I like Jake. Alot. I know. I know. (Read in sassy, squeaky voice) How can you like him you've only known him since Monday or Tuesday!

Yeah I know that! It's like one of those books you read where everything and everyone moves too quickly. Well I guess that's my new start to life! So.... GET OVER IT!

Eva and Connor have been catching up for the past three days, turns out he stopped her from shaking me into my death bed, whilst I was in a coma. They get along super well! I'm glad she found someone so sweet. Even if it was away in America whilst I was being beaten and in a coma seconds away from death.

Mel, Eddie, Noah, Nina, Caleb, Cameron and Katie, have been going back and forth from my old house to my new house.

Now let me explain, because I'm only 17 I can't live on my own. I have to wait a year until I'm allowed my own apartment. So for the next year and a bit, I have to stay at my new foster carers house. Their names are Mindy and Jim Miller. Unlucky for them they can't have children of their own so, they decided to foster children insted.

 Unlucky for them they can't have children of their own so, they decided to foster children insted

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They came to visit me yesterday. They were so sweet and even showed me a picture of their house and my room which are amazing! I just wanted to cry, I was so happy. And that's what I did, cried.

 And that's what I did, cried

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