Victor's Walk

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I wake to the sound of my alarm screaming into my ear. Loudly, I yawn and slap the alarm clock until it sleeps. Sitting up, I check my surroundings, my room is still slightly in tack, disregarding the numerous dirty clothes spread in various places. Dragging the large black duvet across my legs, I stare at my legs, there is multiple scars laying ruggedly on my skin. I hiss when I feel a sharp pain surge through my legs. Looking at them I see a new cut has marked its territory on my thigh. I just sigh and shake my head at the poor excuse of legs.

I pull my body across the bed so I sit on the edge. Running my hand through my hair, i noticed its grown longer since I last cut it. It still short, maybe too long for a normal guy, that if i knew the length of a normal guy's hair. I chuckle, but it's cut short when a loud howl sounds from the other side of the door. HOWL! It sounds again, only this time it's like a small whimper. "Oh, hush it Spike. I'm coming boy." I say getting up and walking over to the door. Opening the plain white door, I face emptiness until my eyes droop down to the large, grey and white wolf displayed in front of me. He simple trots in the room and plops his large body down on the floor by the foot of the bed.

He stares at me with big eyes, almost watering. "What did you do boy?" I ask the wolf, he just whimpers again. I sigh and walk over to one of the numerous piles of clothes, grabbing a shirt I sniff the material. It smells good enough in my opinion. I look for some pants to slide on. Finding a black pair that are still fairly fresh, I walk to my conjoined bathroom and lay the clothing on the sink. The showerhead hisses out when I turn on the water. Stripping myself of last night's bloody adventure clothes, I step into the warm shower. It rains upon my bare skin. Looking down I watch as a terrible mixture of blood, water, and dirt slip into the small metal drain. Spike howls again. HOWL! Darn it Spike, boy gives me no time to properly wash my body. I turn off the water and let the last few remaining drops fall upon my head. I step out the shower grab a nearby white linen towel. I wrap it around my waist and head out the bathroom. Spike sits in front of the door wagging his tail. He reminds me that of a pitbull and husky. The face of a husky, one magnificent sky blue eye, and one beautiful nature green eye. His body, lean and slightly buff. He tilts his face and sticks his long nose in the air.

"What is it now boy?" I ask, and he rolls over exposing his small body, he wiggles his body around, that is a clear message, that he is in need of a meal. "Okay Spike, let me get my clothes on." I said holding up the few articles of clothing. "And then we can go." Spikes rolls back over and wags his long untamed tail. I remove the towel and slipped on a pair of boxers. Then I put on the black pair of pants, then I slip on my shirt. I walk to the corner of my room, there lays a curved piece of wood with the flexible spring attached to each end of the wood.

Grabbing my bow, I look for my bag of arrows. Finding the small bag filled with sharpened arrows, I slip it upon my back. Spike wanders over to me location and gently tugs at the end of my pants. "Okay Spike, I'm coming. Just give me a second, okay." He howls in response. Quickly, I walk to the kitchen in my small one bedroom apartment. I grab two bottles of water. One for me and one for Spike.

I smack my thigh twice, creating a loud clattered sound. SMACK! SMACK! Wincing slightly due to the cut, I still have yet, to attend to. Spike's ears perk up at the sound. "Come on, Spike." I say and he trots over to me. We make our way out the apartment. "What will it be today Spike?" I ask as Spike begins sniffing around. When I look out toward the horizon, I let reality set in. Cars that have not been used in years, scatter across the road. Trash is everywhere. I can't remember the last time I've seen another human. I've seen dead humans, sure, but not one that I have been able to actually interact with. Other than that, it's just animals, which me and Spike take favor in eating.

Spike howls, snapping me out of my thoughts. Looking in his direction, I see him slowly moving, he's probably found some grub. That's when I see it. Something, or someone is hiding behind a tree. He howls. He has howled hourly. I run over to him, since he seems to not take pleasure in waiting for his owner.

Getting closer to the figure that is hiding behind the tree, I begin to hear a whimpering sound. "Hello? Anyone there?" I ask, excitement rises. I walk faster.

"Help." A voice lowly squeaks. I run toward the voice. The tree the voice was hiding behind, seemed smaller from far away. I slowly made my way around the thick trunk of the tree. To my surprise, there was no one there, not a single person. I frown, my only chance of finding another human was ruined, I was just hallucinating ... "Please, help..." A voice cried out, and this time I heard the true direction of the sorrowful voice. I head deeper into the woods. As I round another thick tree, I begin to see the faint silhouette of a figure slumping slightly near the ground.

"Hello, do you need assistance, I can help you." I say quietly. The figure jumps and slowly turns around. I am even more surprised when I look into the depths of dark sea blue eyes. Without thinking I hold my hand out to the figure. The figure cowers away, moving backwards toward the trunk.

"You're not going to try to harm me? Are you?" asked the figure, which at this point, I am most certain is a girl. Quickly I shook my head, but Spike barked, alerting her of his presence. She screamed, only causing Spike to howl loudly.

"Down, boy. She's harmless." I say and Spike abruptly quiets down. Turning back to the girl, I hold my hand out again. "It's okay, I promise. We are not going to harm you in anyway." I say. I can see the hesitation in her eyes.

Eventually she lays her hand within mine. I blew out an air of relief. I gently tug her small hand, she limps over to me. I sling her arm around my shoulders, and pull my arm around her small waist. Then I lift her until I can safely grab her legs with my other arm. Holding her bridal style, I make my journey back to the apartment.

Once we arrive, I whistle for Spike. He butts his head into the door and it opens without resistance. I walk over to the small couch that I managed to snag after the tragic incident. I lay the girl on the couch. She whimpers when her leg touches the couch. "I be back, stay here while I find something for your wounds." I say and she nods. I head toward my bathroom and grab any items necessary to tend to her wounds with.

I walk back into the living room to see the girl petting Spikes head. "He's already warmed up to you." I say and she jumps and snaps her head in my direction. "I didn't see you there." She says retracting her hand Spike's outgrown mane like fur.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." I say and walk over to her with the items in my arms. "Would you prefer to take a shower first before I tend to your wounds?" I ask and she quickly nods. "Follow me." I get up and head toward my room, but then realized, that she is hurt. Turning back around, I lift her up bridal style again. "What's your name anyway, I would at least like to know that much." I ask as I carry her to the bathroom.

"Lucille, my name is Lucille." She says quietly. I set her down on the counter. And turned the water on for her. "What's your name?" She ask just a quietly as before.

"Victor, my name is Victor." I say slightly mocking her from before. "I'll bring you some clothes so you don't have to where musk." I say and she giggles with a quiet thank you. I head off to my bedroom and find the cleanest clothes I possibly can. I return with the clothes and hand them to her. "If you need anything I'll be outside." I say and she nods. "So will Spike." I add and she giggled again. I stepped out of the bathroom and closed the door tightly behind me.

Spike howled for my attention, and I walk over to him. "What's up boy? Still hungry?" He howls at me, the clear sign of yes. "Lucky for you, last night I found some grub." I get up and he follows after me as we enter the kitchen. I open the freezer and pull out a dead squirrel and he howls happily. Suddenly I hear a loud scream. I rush to the bathroom and bust the door down. The horrific scene in front of me makes me freeze, Lucille is laying on the ground, blood splurges from her throat, above her a nasty beast with red fiery wings screeches as blood drips from it long ragged claws. I grab my bow and place an arrow in the slot. Drawing it back I let go. The arrow sharply pierces the beast's heart, it screeches and then disintegrates into the air.

Lucille body too disintegrates into the air turning it into ashes. I sigh. Time to look for more humans...

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