Chapter 31

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I moved away from the door and sat on the couch in the living room before Zane saw me watching his argument with his father. Only about a second later, I heard the back door slam. Zane come into the living room just as I crossed my arms above my stomach.

"Zane, are you okay?" I asked even though I already knew the answer. I stood and stepped forward as he came closer to me. I touched his should gently to stop him but he brushed right past me.

"I'll be in my room," he muttered as darted up the stairs. I sighed and picked up the water bottles from the table. I froze when I stood and saw Michael. He looked distraught.

"I don't suppose you could talk him into changing his mind about me?" Michael asked knowingly. I stayed quiet and just stared at him. He sat on the couch and ran his hands over his face. "I screwed up... I've been screwing up for years; I know that, but I can't live the rest of my life with my kids hating me," he said dejectedly. I hesitated before I set the bottles back on the table and took a seat in the single chair.

"It's not my place to get involved, but I think it's too late for Zane's forgiveness. The damage has been done and he's had to be the adult for himself and Presley. Zane is graduating this year. He really is on his own now. But there might be some hope with Presley. All she wanted was proof that you loved her. You would have to take it extremely slow, but you may be ale to salvage a little but if you don't push it too much. And you're... wife isn't going to help. Courtney and Presley despise each other; I saw that within a minute of metting her. Maybe just... take a step back and look at the bigger picture in the grand scheme of things. Eventually, you're going to have to decide which you want more because they won't coexist without killing each other," I advised. He gave me a small smile and for a second, I caught a glimpse of the person behind Michael's cold exterior.

"May I was wrong about you..." Michael said softly. I shrugged and placed a hand on my stomach out of habit.

"Try to understand and gather all the facts before jumping to conclusions. Zane has made mistakes, yes, but he's only human... and so are you. But now... Zane has a good heart and I know he means well. I didn't want anything to do with him at first. I pushed him away because I thought he was just trying to help out of obligation and I didn't want to be the thing that derailed his entire life. I had both my parents raise me together, but in a way, I've had to fend for myself because they were only obsessed with the academic aspect of me. When I finally told them about the baby, I moved out and went to live with my older sister. The only thing my parents cared about was my career. They didn't care about me really... so I know how much that can suck," I opened up to him. Michael sighed and gave a small smile.

"Parents just want the best for their kids. You'll learn that soon enough... but it sounds like your parents just went about it the wrong way. You should talk to them. They are probably worried about you," he offered before he stood. "I should find Courtney and go. Tell Zane that I'll support him being a father and stay out of the way... if that's what he wants, but I want to be here for him too. Tell Presley... tell Prez that she is enough, and I love her. I love both of them," Michael said. I stood with a sigh.

"I think that's something they need to hear from you," I replied. Michael looked towards the stairs before he released a breath and shook his head.

"I think I've overstayed my welcome for tonight," he said before he left. I sighed and threw the water bottles away. I was exhausted, but I knew I had to check on Zane and Presley. I stopped by Presley's room first. I knocked with no answer. Finally, I pushed open the door to find her sleeping peacefully with Domino curled up on Presley's side. I closed the door gently before I went to Zane's room. I knocked gently and waited. After the third time, I just opened the door.

Zane was sitting on his couch with a bottle of Jack in front of him on the coffee table. I remembered Presley saying that he hated alcohol, and now I knew why. But yet, here he was, nursing a bottle. I sighted and moved forward to take the bottle from him.

"Where did you even get this?! Stop it," I said in irritation. He grumbled something unintelligible under his breath as I took the bottle from him. There was only a sip left anyway. I set the bottle aside and sat next to Zane. I touched his face gently. His eyes were bloodshot and he wouldn't look at me. He was starting to worry me. "Zane," I said softly. He pushed my hands away and reached for what was left of the Jack.

"Go away. You're good at that," he muttered drunkenly. I moved the bottle out of his reach as I stood.

"Zane, this isn't you," I said, worried. He stood and stumbled slightly as his large hands gripped my arms.

"You w-were right at the beginning. Y-You shoulda stayed away f-from me, but... but I was being selfish. I-I-I love you. I cared about you so much an I-I just wanted you to care about m-me. Even thought I knew I-I didn't deserve you. I-I only hurt people. I don't want to, but I am my father's soon And I'm gonna end up j-just like him," Zane slurred as he held onto me as a balancing tool. I released a quick breath and rubbed my thumbs over his, now week, cheeks.

"Zane, you're not your father, and even if you were, your father is trying to make amends. He knows what he did was wrong and he still loves you and Presley," I said. He began to sway so I sat him on the edge of his bed.

"You... stay away from me. I-I'm just gonna hurt you. I'm a lost c-cause, Dria," he said as he began to cry. I sighed and kissed his head before he wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his cheek against my stomach. I ran my fingers through his hair as my own eyes began to water at seeing how broken up he was other this.

"It's too late, Zane. I'm not going anywhere because I'm in love with you, and I believe in you. You're a good person... and you're going to be a good father," I said, trying to push my point across. "Let's get you into the bed," I said before I pulled his shirt off and laid him down to take off his shoes. I pulled the covers over his and kissed his cheek. I went to leave when Zane held onto my hand.

"W-Wait, Dria... I love you, and I d-don't deserve you. Y-Y-You made me, me again. he muttered. I smiled softly for his benefit and squeezed his hand gently before I let go altogether.

"I love you, too, Zane. Get some sleep," I replied. He smiled lazily before he closed his eyes. I turned off the light before sneaking over to Presley's room. I took my shoes off before I got in on the open side of Presley's bed. She stirred but didn't wake up as Domino curled himself next to my stomach protectively. I closed my eyes and gladly fell asleep after our crazy long day.

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