Chapter Two

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Emma POV

"Emma, you alright, you seemed off lately." Y/N said.

"I'm fine." I mumbled as I got ready for the battle.

"Okay..." Y/N mumbled. I looked at the Squid Army crest, it was a squid demolishing Sky the Sky Army leader. I don't know why our army and their army hates each other. To be honest I feel like I'm supposed to be a part of their army, not the Squid Army. I summoned a diamond sword that glowed a light purple for a few seconds until it turned into a light blue.

"Emma can you summon me some arrows for my bow?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah, I'll also enchant your sword and bow for you." I said summoning 128 (two stacks of arrows).

"Thank you Emma!" Y/N said as I enchanted her weapons.

"No problem!" I chirped as I began to walk off and collect my supplies to get to the battle grounds.

#$#$TIME SKIP#$#$

I was ready to take on Seto, the Sky Army's sorcerer. Something about him makes me feel strange, like I'm closer that I thought I was towards him. We finally came to the battle grounds.

"CHARGE!!!!!" King Squid yelled.

Battle cries were heard as both armies charged at each other. I went to my same target as always. Seto.

''Hey Set, hows it been in the Sky Army and for preparations for this fight?" I asked starting small talk as I shot a spell of weakness at him.

"Good, you?" He asked drinking a potion of healing then a potion of resistance.

"Not that bad, my friend I was telling you about is now in the army. Her name is Y/N." I said as I sidestepped a blast of purple lighting, my hair now sticking out slightly.

"Nice dodge, but, do you feel like we are related?" He asked.

"Why are you asking?" I asked as I performed a healing spell as I got a sword to the back blue mist with some purple in it atarted to surond me as I did that.

"I don't know..." He said lost in thought for a few seconds and we continued to fight, that is until a cloth was put  around my mouth and nose. I thrashed around as I was being pulled back. The lack of oxygen that every human being needed caused me to black out. But before I blacked out i heard a voice calling out my name.

Seto POV

I hate this war! We are going to try and get Emma back from the squids. They have captured her already. Y/N called out to her as she passed out, Why did I ask that question? Is it possible the both of us have been fighting together in this war so much that she knows that I'm her brother? Probably not.

"Sky, we have Emma, did you happen to see Y/N?" I asked into the ear piece that only the army leaders, and I have.

"No, I haven't, I don't think the others have had any luck." Sky's voice projected (?) through the ear piece.

"Oh, okay, talk to you after this fight." I said.

I ran to go help some recruits and helped them with their fights.

.;flashback time brought to you by Buddha;.

I was holding a little girl about the age of 11 months. Her eyes were looking into my eyes. Her purple eyes glowed as she looked up at me. The little bit of her dark brown hair was on top of her head. She looked so adorable. She sneezed and a purple lightning blast was sent out towards a stuffed wolf.
She had a soft purple blanket wrapped around her small figure. She squirmed a little trying to get out of her grip. Her skin was slightly dark.

"Seto, can you help me with this box!" Someone called out. It was like I knew where I was going and soon came up to someone who looked like my mom. My mom died before I turned seven which was a month after Emma was born. Best birthday gift ever!

"How is Emma doing sweetie (that felt so weird writing that)?" The woman asked. She had on a dark purple robe. She had brown eyes and brown hair. She wore black undergarments.

"Good mum, but she destroyed her stuffed wolf when she sneezed." I said after I put the box down.

"Okay, go play with your sister now son." Mum said.

"Okay!" I called before running out of the room.

I sat down with Emma and I played with her using some of my magic to make small explosions. She giggled our dad walked in and saw the both of us. He had on a dark blue robe. His eyes were a bright purple, and undergarments were a really light shade of grey.

"Hi dad." I said looking at him.

"How you doing squirt?" He asked messing up my dark brown messy hair even more.

"Good, just playing with Emma!" I said.

He left me to continue playing with Emma. Something crashed through the window. Emma started crying so I picked her up and ran to my mums and dads bedroom with her in my arms.

(Oh I forgot to mention this, the people in Minecraftia are like us but the world is full of blocks, just like the little comics that some people made.)

"Seto Emma!" Dad called out.

"We are in the bedroom mum and dad." (I felt like putting mum so..... yeah....)

"We will be there as soon as possible, I promise!" Dad yelled.

I heard swords clashing and screaming. Then this squid came out of nowhere and snatched Emma right out of my arms. She was screaming and I tried desperately to get to her. But they escaped. All noise stopped. I peaked out the door to see my mum lying on the floor.

"Seto... come here." She said. I walked towards her and got on my knees.

"Mum they took Emma." I whispered.

"Seto.....*cough*..... whenever you find your sister.....*cough*....... give this to her." Mum said closing her eyes and she stooped breathing.

.;flashback end;.

I found myself on my bed in my room that Sky so willingly gave to me when we were around the are of 10. I was abandoned after my parents death. I looked at the necklace. It's a golden necklace that has a dragon engraved in it. and the dragon was breathing fire, but the flames and the eyes were purple. We are closer to bringing you back Emma, I just know it.

Land and Water (Skydoesminecraft x reader) {In major editing}Where stories live. Discover now