Her New Life Part 2

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Just gonna start off by saying 5sos IS BAE!

Aphmau's P.O.V


I sit with Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn's friends

Kawaii~Chan-Jess~Senpai , why do you always wear that cloak.

Jess-I would like to keep my identity secret thankyou very much

Katelyn-Oooo~ I like this gurllll!

Laurance-Hmmm... your voice sounds familier

Jess-Really well I do not sound like anyone one apart from myself its not like you have met me before HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH , LIKE HOW RIDICULOUS WOUKD THAT BE , ok I gotta go.....

I wrote in my diary , I need to make sure not to reveal my identidy

At the park

I decided to put my hood down on my cloak , then I saw Laurance , Katelyn , Kawaii~Chan and the gang they saw my face , LOOK ITS APHMAU , because I was Irene I teleported home , the good thing was they didn't know that Jess Was Aphmau

The Gangs Conversation

Laurance-Where did she go

Katelyn-Maybe we all just miss her


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