Extra Chapter - She Is Love

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Yes, that's right! An extra chapter for all of you dear readers!

This one is written in Luke's POV so you'll understand a bit better what it's like inside his head.

Hope you like this chapter =)


Extra Chapter - She is Love

"You're in all my thoughts of passion

And the dreams of my delight

Whatever stirs my mortal frame

Will you keep it warm at night

I don't know where you come from

No I haven't got a clue

All I know is I'm in love

With someone who loves me too."


I woke up and instantly smiled.

Belle was lying next to me and I had my arms wraped around her, holding her tight as she slept. And I couldn't think of any other place I'd like to be right now. Or ever.

Having the woman I love with me in a honewmoon suite in Saint Martin was even more than I wished for.

I used my thumb to take a strand of hair from Belle's face so I could watch her better. We had a long night of pasionate sex and even I wasn't sure if I rested enough. which was saying something.

Looking at her this morning made me think of the first time I saw her in that club.

I don't think I'll ever forget that night.

She was wearing a tight black dress and her hair was hanging loose, flying all around her face as she danced with her eyes closed.

What most impressed me was how she seemed to have no idea of the effect she had in every guy in the club.

They were all ogling over her and I wasn't an exception.

When Peter came into my office earlier that day to try to convince me to go out, I didn't hesitate in saying no.

"Come on. You never leave this damn office!" He complained and after long minutes of persuassion, he convinced me to go out with him.

I hadn't have lunch, I hadn't eaten almost anything during the entire day.

So it wasn't a surprise that I got drunk fast.

Fine, it was after at least half a bottle of whiskey, but no one needs to know that. I did need to relax a little. I just didn't count on seeing the most beautiiful woman I've ever met that night.

And thank goodness I was drunk. Or else I don't think I would have the guts to talk to her. She was probably going to laugh at my face.

Peter had left me to hook up with some girl he met there and I was left alone near the bar.

"Hey handsome!" Some blondie showed up by my side and all I wanted was to push her off as fast as I could so I could continue watching the sexy woman on the dancefloor.

"Sorry, I'm taken." I told the girl next to me and she frowned, then said something that I bet wasn't nice and left.

After a few more drinks I couldn't take it anymore. Some guys were already surrounding her and, even though I didn't admit that at the time, I was so jealous I was almost punching them.

I was only a feet away from her when she turned a shot of tequila without a gasp and threatened to trip on her foot.

"Wow! Take it easy." I reached for her and avoided her falling on the ground. When she looked at me with those hypnotic blue eyes and bit her lip, I had to swallow hard and try to calm my friend down there.

"Easy and breezy!" She said and smiled at me. As if I didn't have any more reasons to fall in love with her, that smile closed the deal.

"Do you..." I started saying but she said something too and I stopped, waiting for her to continue.

"I really need some fresh air." She told me and I saw a drop of sweat falling from her forehead. Incredibly enough, that turned me on even more than I already was.

"Let's get you out of here." I told her and she grabbed my hand, following me out of the club.

There were some benches outside so I took her to one of them and we sat there, side by side.

"I feel so drunk." Belle said and groaned making me laugh. I could see that.

"Don't worry. You look fine." I told her, even though my mind screamed HOT.

"Just fine?" She asked me and bit her lip, looking up at my eyes. I couldn't help but lose myself in her mouth. How could she have such kissable lips? I'm not even going to the thoughts I had when she bit her lip like that.

"I was afraid if I said you're hot you'd take me as a perv." I answered her and she chuckled, making me think what other sound on Earth could be more enjoyable.

"Probably." She told me finally and I nodded.

We stood there for a while longer until she started to seem like she could fall asleep at any moment and I knew my time was out.

"I should take you home." I said sadly and she looked at me with pleading eyes.

"This isn't home." She told me and I raised my eyebrows, trying to understand what she meant. "I don't want to go home yet."

Those eyes and the whole situation, or maybe the fact that I was drunk and irrational, made me take her in my arms and kiss her.

Damn, how I was turned on. When I took her in my arms and my lips touched hers I felt like I could come at any time. This was ridiculous and completely nonsense to me at that time.

And it was then that I lost complete control of the whole thing and before I could think, we were already inside a cab, heading to my place.

That night I had the first best sex I ever had in my life. I say first best because all the other times with her were equally or even better than that.

I don't know for how long we lasted. All I know is that when I woke up I was the happiest man on Earth.

Before I looked at my side and realized she was gone.

Her smell was still there and my bed was still warm, which meant she hadn't left long before I woke up.

"Damn it!" I cursed, punching a pillow.

"Good Morning, Mr. Farris." I heard Belle saying with her eyes still half closed and grinned.

This was a different morning from the first one.

"Tell me you're never gonna leave." I said and Belle sat up on the bed, looking down at me with a smile on her face.

She cupped my face with her hand and leaned to kiss my forehead. "I promise."

I took the opportunity to pull her over so she was standing above me. "Good." I told her kissing her neck. "Though I wouldn't let you go anyways." I said and she chuckled. That same sound I heard for the first time in that club and which I never thought I would hear again.

"We're glad you wouldn't" Belle said looking me deep in the eyes. My heart started beating fast and I swallowed hard before getting the courage to ask.

"We?" I asked and Belle nodded frantically.

"I'm pregnant." She said and I immediately wrapped my arms around her and kissed her like it was the end of the world.

My wife was pregnant. And I was going to be a father.

"I love you." I told her after the news started to sink in. "Both of you." I completed and she nodded, so I put her back on the bed and placed my hand on her belly.

Nothing else mattered. Not since I met her.


I really hope you liked it !

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