This book is the release of my pent up anger and frustration. I am not trying to change the world, though I wouldn't mind changing it . I am not speaking on behalf of the black community, I only speak for me. Other people may have the same opinions as me but, that does not mean that we all do. I encourage debate, because it can be educational. With that said, I will block, and or
delete any comment that endangers, degrades, dehumanizes or targets someone else.
You are welcomed at anytime to ask questions or ask about any topic that you would want my opinion on. I really want to make difference, just educating someone would make me feel accomplished. This is the one way that I feel that I am doing something for my community.
Being Black In A White World
Non-FictionThis is not a hate book, or a racist book at all. This is just life from the a black teenage girl during these troubling times. These are my thoughts, opinions; as a cautionary tale please delete the book if you are easily offended.