WACA [4] Run.

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Warning: This chapter will contain cursing or swearing. You have been warned.

Mal's POV

Voices, is all I hear. I couldn't wake up. I'm stuck in darkness, fears, and nightmares. I'm captured by myself. "Help!" I shouted, "Help!" I shouted once again.

Just all the times, no one heard me. "Hey, want waffles?" Ben suddenly appeared from no where, I nodded and looked at a sudden apperance of a table. Walking to it I took a sit.

I looked at him with a smile. This is the kind of Ben I wanted. "Hey you're missing breakfast." He reminded, while I smiled once again. We were happy at this types of moments. But now my life is a tottal mess. A total disaster. Why is this happening to me anyways?

"Mal?" A manly voice ringed over my head. "I don't love you anymore!" Its says once again. "No please don't do this to me." I said "Good bye." It says, it was Ben. How he left me by my own.

It shows our relationship. How we we're happy then suddenly have an arguement. It was perfect, but will come into a tight end.

Right now I'm suffering on my own. My friends are busy with their lives while I was just.. alone. Just here roaming around, nothing to be worried about.

Alone with nothing to see but pitch black. "Run away from your fears Mal, go run for it." An unknow voice said. I did as told, ran for my life. With an endless path off darkness. This will make me calm about it.

Seeing running, won't make my fears go away. I'm doing dumb commands that wonmt do anything or help. It tells me that my fears won't go away. "I don't wnat this anymore!" I screamed hearing voices all over my head.

See this is life, like I said. Its just a path that you don't know what will happen next. Surprisingly this was my path in life. Enjoying isn't it? "I'm lost, no where to go." I said then I felt something on my shoulder.

Somebody was shaking me, "Mal. Wake up, Mal!" A deep voice said shouting. "Jay don't shout." A girl said, that was Evie. I slowly opened my eyes meeting the sunlight directing to my eyes.

"Mal are you okey? You we're shouting stuffs, you were also crying on your sleep." Carlos asked giving me water. "I don't know what to do now. Me and Ben are over, him and you guys are the only ones I trust. But now Ben was far away to be trusted." I said chugging down the glass of water, wiping my tears away.

The door swinged open, revealing Ben. "Mal are you fine?" He said coming close to me "What are you doing here?" I stood up from the bed, glaring at him. "Evie told me tha-"

"Stay away from me!" I shouted covering my ears from hearing voices again. I can't handle those nightmares. "Mal calm down." Jay said patting my back, shoving it away. "Don't tell me to fucking calm down." I pointed at them.

Going at the corner, I sat down. Crying to myself, Evie came close to me. "I'm scared, Evie." I muttered under my breath, "Mal it'll be fine." She gave me a hug.

Looking at Ben with a glare I said, "You're the fucking reason why I'm acting like this. Go away. I can't even look at you right now." He looked down with a frown. "I won't leave until you're fine."  He said laying his lips flat "Your presence won't make me fine, Benjamin." I looked away in disgust.

"Bullshit Mal! Everything is bullshit right now, Can't you see that I'm helping? You're the bitch here who's kept acting like a child." He cursed "Dammit Benjamin, do you think you just helped me with using that words? You just called me a bitch, well lets just say you're the fucking jerk." I shouted at him. "Now go away." I said calming myself.

"I won't go away." He said crossing his arms. "Then I, would be going myself." I said picking up a jacket from my closet. Good thing I'm wearing legging and a tank top right now. I swinged my backpack over my shoulder, putting on the jacket I said, "What a disrespectful king you are."

I opened the door, running away to the exit of Auradon. "Mal, come back here!" I heard, I kept running hearing footsteps behind me. "Mal its us."

"Don't follow me." I said passing by the library, finally reaching the field, I took a chance to hide myself behind a tree. "Where did she go?" Jay said wiping the sweat on his neck. "We just fucking lost her." Carlos exclaimed.

After they were gone, I found a sit near the edge of the school where no one can find me.

Why am I acting like this? I kept going crazy for no reason. I hate myself. "Mal? What are you doing here." I guys said "Well running from my fears, Jaxon." I chuckled, "What's the matter?" He questioned taking a sit beside me. "I have this nightmares now, scared of the other peoples, maybe don't wannt go out that often." I explained.

"Maybe you have depression? Because someone broke your heart?" He said while I nodded in agreement. "You shouldn't be like this, really." He added giving me a tissue, I gradually accepted it wiping my tears. "Where did this tissue came from?" I questioned, laughing. "Oh it was from my backpack." He pointed at a black bag.

"Black is my favorite." He said scratching his nape. "Well my favorite is-" He interuppted me, "Purple." He said with a huge grin on his face, creepy "How did you know?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Well, um it was obvious?"

"Obvious?" I questioned, "You're sense of taste in the color of your outfit." He answered, while we both laughed until it ended.

I stood up, "I gotta go." I said giving him a broad smile. "Friends?" He said gave out a hand, smilling. "It'll be a honot to." I shook it before walking away.

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