Chapter 1

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You know, he didn't always used to be a guy.

Once upon a time he used to wear skirts, dresses and frilly shirts with his hair at shoulder length.

Now he wore masculine clothes, a binder and kept his hair short, at his earlobe.

When he came out to his parents and sister in middle school he didn't expect his mom to outright disapprove of him. She demanded that he left the house but his father and sister protested and made her let him stay. At least his father and sister approved of him.

Middle school became tough on him. His mom did not care for him anymore.

His older sister Alisa was too busy with school and working at a small café to care for him and his dad wasn't home much, always away at business trips.

His mother wouldn't do anything for him and if he so much as got in her way or made a mess she would hit and scream at him.

But he wasn't in middle school anymore.

He was a first year in high school.

He had people that cared about him, he had a loving boyfriend ever since he made his way onto the boys volleyball team and he wasn't stuck at home all the time.

Heck even the whole team knew about him being trans and they didn't think wrong of him.

Life was better but not great.

"Hey yaku, do you mind tossing me a few balls to spike? Kenma usually does it but... I think he wanted a break from me"

The shorter male looked up at him and with a sigh agreed.

"Lev we should be practicing with the rest of the team." Yaku frowned at Lev as he picked up a stray volleyball that had been on the floor.

Lev got into position to spike.
"But how am I supposed to become the ace if I don't practice?" He pouted.

"It's called aces practice things like receiving and blocking not just spiking." Yaku threw the ball high up into the air, not bothering to attempt to set as it wasn't his specialty.

Immediately lev started running like a deer and sprang himself upwards letting his arms sink into position before his arm flew up and smacked the ball before it could get near the net.

Lev cheered when he landed back onto the floor as the ball flew perfectly onto the court. He knew that it would've scored a point for sure!

"Wow I'm actually surprised! That was one of the best spikes I've seen you do. Good job" Yaku smiled up at his boyfriend.

"Aww, thanks Yaku!" Lev ran over to him and gave Yaku a big hug (he had to lean down of course).

After some more tosses lev was panting really hard. He cursed himself for forgetting to bring a sports bra as he pulled at his binder.

"Hah... One more?" He pleaded, trying not to make it obvious that he wasn't breathing properly.

Yaku stared at him before he complied and tossed another ball into the air.

He ran after it just like he did with the other ones but before he could jump, Lev fell to the ground coughing and gasping for air as he was having difficulty breathing.

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