Part 40

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**Brookes POV** 

"Mom, the wedding is in two days and I'm freaking out!" 

"Calm down sweety, today it's a spa day with you and the girls. Your only task today is to relax." 

"Can you come with?" 

"Of course sweety." 

"Brooke?" I heard Justin say entering the room. 


"Can I steal her real quick?" he asked 

"Go ahead."

he nodded grabbing my hand and leading me into the living room away from everyone.

"Make sure you relax today alright baby."

I nodded 

"Tonight is our last night together before we're a married couple." he said 

"I know it's crazy, and today is the last day of me being 17." 

"I know baby, enjoy your birthday. I'll see you tonight." He said kissing my forehead 

"I love you Justin." 

"I love you too." He said before he headed off with his friends. 

I breath in then out, I'm ready for this. I love Justin more than anything, besides this child; which I'm also ready for. I'm ready to be a married mother. It's crazy that I'm only 17 and so much has already happened but I know I won't let this stuff ruin my 'teen years' I will make it work, I will do everything for this child. I said rubbing my stomach smiling. 

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