chapter 1

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"Ryan mcghee dallas if you don't wake up i will throw a bucket of cold water onto you!" my mom yells throwing a pillow at my head waking me from my nice slumber i groan slowly opening my eyes

Yes i am sierra and cameron dallas baby sister ryan I'm 18 years old i like the 1975 and panic! At the disco,i love to draw and my favorite color is purple:) now back to the story

"Mom it's summer i don't have to wake up early anymore"my rapsy voice speaks

"You are not gonna sleep all through the afternoon now get your butt up!" she replies i groan obeying her commands

"And put on some clothes we're going to target" i groan again earning a glare from her i get up walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face then i slipped on some clothes (down below)

I slipped on my white converse and put my flower crown on my wavy blonde hair,grabbed my phone and headed downstairs where my mother was waiting for me she grabbed her keys from the counter heading out to the car i follow her i jump into the passe...

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I slipped on my white converse and put my flower crown on my wavy blonde hair,grabbed my phone and headed downstairs where my mother was waiting for me she grabbed her keys from the counter heading out to the car i follow her i jump into the passenger seat as my mom starts the car heading off to target

We shortly arrived heading inside target my mom grabbed a cart and said

"I'm going to get food you can go explore but meet me at the register" she says and then she was off i walked over to the arts and craft area grabbing paint and drawing supplies,then i wondered over to the make-up area grabbing mascara and eyeliner since i was running out and then i headed over to the room decor area

I always wanted a tapestry i wonder if they have a black and white one,i smiled when i came across the one i was looking for i grabbed it skipping over to the register to find my mom when i bumped into someone knocking all the things that was in my hands onto the floor

"I'm sorry i should have been paying attention to where i was going" the voice speaks,that voice belong to a boy

"It's okay" i said bending down to grab my stuff,the boy did the same making us both bump our heads into eachother

"Ow!"we said in unison i brought my hand up to my head rubbing the spot where we bumped heads

"I'm sorry again" the guy says with a slight chuckle i chuckle too

"It's fine"i reply with a smile as the boy helped me grab my things we both stood up coming face-to-face with one another suddenly my heart started beating out of my this guy was very good looking,just wow he had pretty hazel-greenish eyes and a pretty smile,his hair was in a fluffy type quiff and he was pretty tall with tattoo on his arm and three on his hands  he was hella atrractive i realized i was still staring at him so i quickly stopped

"I-uh t-thanks for helping me pick up my things" i stuttered he smiles

"No problem" he says i nod

"Ryan come on!"my mom yells from across the hall making the guy infront of me laugh i mentally roll my eyes can she be anymore embarrassing?

"That's my mom,i-uh have to go but maybe I'll see you 'round?" I question i look up at him hoping he would say yes or maybe even asks me out, wait i don't even know this guy what am i thinking?

"Maybe you will" he smiles snapping me out of my thoughts i smile back slowly walking over to my mom i set my stuff on the scanning rolling thing whatever you call it

"Who was that?he was cute"my mom says

"Mommmmmm!" i say with an embarrassing tone

"What i was just kidding or was i?" she smirks i playfully roll my eyes grabbing the bags,she also grabs them putting them into the trunk we hop in the car heading back home


"Hey mom"i spoke up stuffing spaghetti into my mouth

"Yeah honey?"she replies i swallow my food before i began to talk again

"I was thinking about getting my own place" i said not daring to look at her i know she will have a devastated expression on her face i heard her fork drop down to her plate

"What? Aren't you a little to young to have your own place?"she questions i roll my eyes looking up at her

"Mom I'm 18 years old,i think I'm old enough"i say

"I know it's just that i don't want you to leave your my little baby and i don't want to be alone in this house" she says

"Mom I'm gonna have to move out someday" i said sympatheticly

"I know," she pouts "but I'm gonna support you and help you find a place!" she smiles i smile

"Well,actually,i already found a place" i smile sheepishly

"Your already trying to leave me" she laughs i laugh along with her

"I'm actually going to check it out tomorrow wanna come?"i asks she nods

"Of course baby"she smiles grabbing hers and my plate she kisses my cheek before walking in the kitchen To wash dishes i head upstairs into my room shutting my door behind me i flop onto my bed whipping out my phone i decided to text my brother cameron

(ryan=italic/cameron= bold)

R-what's up big bro

C-what's up baby sis

R-guess what? :)


R-i might have my own place!

C-that's awesome sis!

R-i know it's gonna be so cool i won't have to live under moms rules anymore i can do whatever i want!

C-yeah but you'll have to wash dishes,cook for yourself and pay the rent

R-wow thanks for ruining it for me :/

C-😂😂 your welcome,anyway i have to go ttyl

R-kay see ya

I locked my phone plugging it into the charger before putting it on my night stand i walk into my private bathroom,brushed my teeth and washed my face with proactive then slipped on my PJ's

I headed back into my room slipping in my bed wrapping myself into my blanket,that boy from target stayed on my mind all day it's like he wouldn't leave my i have a crush on a stranger?

Hey guys i hope you like the first chapter it's not much... but it's something! So please vote and comment what ya think! :)

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