The next day...
'kate oh kate" i hear from downstairs "hi cara sam and jared " i dont really know what jared was still doing here and when i turn to the door i see troy and his clown faced girlfriend ."what are you doing here" i shot "i came to get some stuff" he said "and you brought your clown.. i mean girlfriend with you" i said oh my gosh i cant believe i almost said clown face and he didnt catch it well someone got some hearing problems. "yeah we were going to the ice cream shop near the cafe want to join" he asked "hold on let me ask cara and the guys" i walked over to cara and the guys as i pionted were the box of his stuff was 'hey you guys wanna go to the ice cream shop with troy and ...umm" i paused as i leaned ito them "clown face" i whispered 'haha sure" they agreed "okay we can go' i yelled to troy.I ran upstairs to grab my jacket and my phone when i heard the door shut and lock as i turned i saw troy "hi" he said turning to me "what are you doing here' i asked "oh just wanna ask you a question' he said looking at my picture of cara and i "so why do you have to lock the door" i asked a bit scared he ignored my question. "why dont you love me anymore i mean it was just a kiss well and like 10 dates but..." i stoped him "wait 10 dates you didnt tell me that" i shot "well im telling you now"he said with a giggle "shut up and leave" as i reached for the door his hand stopped it from opening.then he locked it again "you cant just walk out on me like that' he said with his face a milimeter from mine."let the door go' i pushed him away,unlocked the door and walked out we got into our seprate cars and left i was pretty ticked off about that ocassion in my room.
At the ice cream shop...
At the ice cream shop i sat in front of troy and his girlfriend and i was with jared on one seat but cara and sam were sitting at the side of the table with single chairs."hi can i help" the guy at the counter asked "yes i would like a mint ice cream with a brownie on the side" i said "ewwww" i herd cara say from behind me she hates mint.Cara was up next "and i would like 1 cookie dough please and 1 mint with chocolate chips" cara order the mint was for Sam he would always trade with me if i wanted his because the brownie was to sweet it was a normal routine and xara would do the same with troy well back then of coures.Troy and his girlfriend were next "can i have a ... uh..." she gestured troy to one of the words on the label "she wants the lovely peacan nut and i would like rainbow sherbert' i laughed as i noticed she couldnt say peacan and at the last time he got rainbow sherbert it started in a cup but ended up on my face.When we sat down i felt troys leg brush against mine and i grabed jareds hand both jared and troy flinched when i did i motioned jared to follow me.We made our way to the door and we were standing in the parking lot "okay so im guessing he is your ex" jared said with a smile "yeah' i said a bit emmbaresed."Well he does have some bad taste in girls" he said "what!" i said giving him a death stare "no.." he said with a giggle "i mean he went from a beautiful girl to a freaking dumpster face" i couldn't resist but laugh so loud it made people look."i must agree" i said with a smile "wait you think im beautiful" ....
so i think i know were im going but not really, so do you think jared and kate should get together?? hmm?? well gtg
BYE!!! :D