I Feel Like Shit...(Well I did but not anymore)

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Disclaimer: This is about how I was feeling BEFOREHAND, thanks to a lot of sweet people I feel a lot better and the only reason I'm keeping this here is because I don't want to delete all the amazing comments from amazing people.
I don't know if anyone will  cares or not about what I'm posting now but I need to vent and let my problem be aired.
I hate myself. Everytime I look in the mirror I just see flaws. I hate my big thighs. I hate my big hips and stomach. I hate how short I am. I hate how ugly I am. I hate that no matter how hard I try I can't stop comparing myself to others. When I dance I can see that I'll never be as good as other dances that are big on Instagram. Right now I'm on my floor crying about how much I hate myself. I told my mum that I don't like having big thighs and stomach and she said if I talk about myself one more time like that she's stop me dancing. I can't find once thing I like about myself. I'm over sensitive. I just look at my big hips/ dents from my underwear strap when I'm wearing leggings and I cry, I see dancers skinner than me dancing in leggings and they don't have dents like me. I can't wear crop tops or expose my stomach because I don't want others to see it. I practice a chorus part (maybe 40 secs of it) for hours and when I filmed it I looks disgusting, I feel like shit now and I can't say it to my mum because she won't understand. No one will. My insecurity is the thing I hate most. It makes me scared to dance in public or make a fool or my self, that's why I barely talk in class or with new people not because I'm an introvert but because I'm scared to be judged and seen as something I'm not, I don't want to be seen as weird or abnormal, but sadly I'm not normal or anyone idea of perfect, I've got so many flaws I don't know what to do anymore. I've just stopped crying but I still feel like I'm nothing. I have to go to a baptism where I'm not the god mother and fake a smile like I'm not in pain but I'm used to doing that because I'm seen as too serious and over sensitive to some of the people I would call my friends, I fake a smile or I just don't talk at all to mask my thoughts, my fears, my pain. When I cried once during my class one of my friends did say anything, when my friend made me angry/ upset I told her why and that I'm going though a lot of stress and problems at home and she said "we are at school now you should leave your home problems at home", I've cried so much infront of my 6 friends within 3 years and I know they see me as weak, emotional and overly sensitive so now I don't cry infront of them or voice my problems I think it would be better for me to just not bother them with my problems. It's upsetting that the people I should talk to are the people who I know won't understand, sometimes I need to vent things to people who listen, so I hope when I have problems will any of you listen?

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