Author's Note

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It's another AU.

It's been so long since I've written something not twisted. I promise there are no twists here. It will be dramatic, or probably angst-y (depends on my mood in the middle).

This is a one-shot and should be under my one-shot collection. But it has parts that need to be uploaded one by one. This will have about ten short parts. The update won't take as long as my multi-chapters, I promise.

Blood Ch. 3 will be out soon. I'm sorry. AMACon 2 got in the way.


For Carling and for Roro.

To prove that I DON'T because I CAN'T break you. That's Ninna's forte.

For Ian and Ninna.

Former: I am genuinely happy for you even though I ship PiAn.

Latter: Because you're my Queen of Hurt.

And for You.

Because for now I choose to forget you.

There's a wide gap between us, and there's no bridge I can use to cross.

You and me---we're the antithesis to Tanabata.

And while I could have flown, my wings are clipped.

Someday, I will be able to gather enough feathers to make new wings.

So I could fly to you. Only to you.

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