Part 3

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"Mum! Where Charlie?" Juliet asked as she walked inside with some cabbage from their small farm outside.

"Oh, I think he's gone out for a walk" she called back from the kitchen.

Juliet shook the snow off like a dog and smiled when grandma Josephine laughed gleefully at her.

She turned on the TV, her shoulders slumped when she saw that two more tickets had been found.

Violet Beauregarde, a beastly girl who took pride in being a world champion gum chewer, one can only pray for her teeth.

Mike Teavee, an angry boy who spent way too much time in front of the TV but was also a genius.

Juliet shook her head and turned the TV off, she could only hope Charlie would get the last ticket.

Mrs Bucket and Mr bucket went outside to collect more cabbage.

Mr bucket had recently lost his job as well to a machine, no less, so it was a lot harder making ends meet around here.

"Mum! Dad!" Juliet heard faintly from outside.

"I found it! I found it!"

"Why, that sounds like Charlie" Juliet stood from her seat just as the door busted open and in charged Charlie.

"I found it! It's mine! The last Golden Ticket!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

Juliet watched wide eyed and in shock as he handed Grandpa Joe the ticket.

Old Joe squinted his eyes as he looked down at it.

His eyes gradually widened as he realised what he was holding for real.

"YIPEE!" he bellowed before throwing off his blanket, getting out of bed and danced!

"Here! Read it out loud" he ordered mum and dad, whom had followed Charlie inside.

They dropped the cabbage and wood in their hands and huddled together as Dad read out loud.

"Greetings to you, the lucky finder of this Golden ticket, from Mr Willy Wonka! I shake you warmly by the hand, For now I do invite you to come by my factory and be my guest for one whole day - you and all others who are lucky enough to find my Golden Tickets. I, Willy Wonka, will conduct you around the factory myself, showing you everything there is to see, and afterwards, when it is time to leave, you will be escorted home by a possession of large trucks filled with delicious eatables to last you and your entire household for many years! One of you lucky children will also receive a special gift at the end! And now here are my instructions: the day I have chosen for the visit is the first day of the month of February. On this day, and no other, you must come to the factory gates at ten o'clock sharp in the morning. Don't be late! And you are allowed to bring with you one or two members of your own family to ensure that you don't get into mischief. See you soon!" Mr Bucket finished and looked up at the others.

"1st of February...but that's tomorrow!" Mrs Bucket exclaimed in realisation.

"Then there's not a moment to lose!" Grandpa Joe excitedly said, turning to Charlie "brush your teeth, comb your hair, wash your face-"

"And get that mud off your pants!" Grandpa George pointed out.

"No. We're not going" Charlie said in a small but stern voice.

"What? Why not Charlie?" Juliet questioned, startled.

Grandpa Joe slowly sat back down onto his bed, suddenly losing his energy.

"A woman offered me $500 for that ticket, I figure we need the money more than we need the chocolate" he explained.

Juliet's heart felt for the boy but money wasn't something for him to be worrying about. He was supposed to have a childhood.

Juliet consoled grandpa Joe as grandpa George gave Charlie a stern pep talk. It seemed to have worked as Charlie said "Ok, let's go" he announced with a grin.

"Whoohoo!" Juliet hollered as she hugged her brother.

"Now, we need to decide who will go with Charlie?" Mrs Bucket questioned.

Juliet looked to Charlie and subtly hinted to take grandpa Joe with a wink.

Charlie smiled "I'll take grandpa Joe"

Said man brightened ten fold with happiness and resumed his dancing whilst thanking Charlie.

"I'm also taking Juliet" he continued "the ticket said I can take two people, besides someone has to help me look after grandpa Joe" he jokingly said.

Juliet was shocked her brother would want her with him on this marvellous adventure but was all too pleased as she secretly loved Mr Wonka's chocolate, who didn't?

She gave him a bone crushing hug. "Can't...breathe" Charlie gasped for air.

"Oh! Sorry, brother mine!" She sheepishly laughed.

That night, the Bucket family were happy as something good has finally happened. Everyone slept peacefully that night.


The next morning, a few minutes before the clock hit 10am, all the children along with a parent were lined up in front of the sturdy grey gates. Juliet was the only extra person as everyone else only brought one

She shifted her feet awkwardly as the two on her right looked over to her, the Salt's. Veruca Salt sneered at her and at everyone else in the line while Mr Salt tried giving a seductive smile.

Juliet, of course ignored this and looked to the others in the line.

Augustus Gloop was, no surprise, shoving a chocolate down his throat and staring ahead with no expression as his mother stared worryingly at the big intimidating gates.

Violet Beauregarde and her mother had the eyes of crazed animals stalking their prey as they stared at the gates and everyone around them.

Mike Teavee and his father simply stared ahead, both looked like they didn't want to be there.

Juliet sighed at the group as everyone surveyed each other, honestly it was like the animal kingdom.

Juliet looked over to Veruca who in turn glared at her.

"Meow" Juliet hissed while showing imaginary claws and fangs.

Veruca frowned and turned to her father "daddy, that girl is weird, I don't like her" she complained as Juliet smirked.

Mr Salt looked over to Juliet with curiosity but also a silent apology for his daughter's rudeness. Juliet simply waved it off and smiled.

The clock hit 10 am on the dot.

It's time.

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