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Weeks have passed by uneventfully since the incident with Dumbledore. I contemplated confronting Harry about why he never mentioned his past, especially since we were spending more time together, but I figured he probably wasn't very keen on talking about it if he didn't say anything so far.

However, one midnight, I found myself awaking in the hospital wing to my own voice.

"It's all right, it's all right" I heard madam Pomfrey's voice quickly approaching me.

"Drink this, it will help" She said handing me cup of dark liquid.

"What am I doing here?" I asked still trying to remember what happened.

"You've been screaming in your sleep, turning and twitching, sweating like you were on fire. Your classmates tried to wake you up but they couldn't so they fetched me and we brought you here"

"When was this?"

"A few nights ago" She said worriedly.

I didn't say anything, I was trying to remember what I was dreaming about but for some reason it just wasn't happening.

"We thought you were under the influence of dark magic" Madam Pomfrey continued.

"But drink that, it will help" She pointed at the cup.

I looked at the coal black liquid again, staring deep into it and just as I was about to take a sip,  I saw my reflection on the surface transform, it was turning into something horrible. I quickly looked up at madam Pomfrey who was turning into something else now too.

"Give it to me" She said in the familiar, gruesome voice.

"Give it to me... unless you want him to die!" she hissed as she pointed at another occupied bed with Harry, lying limp and lifeless in it.

"No! Harry! No!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I felt that I was starting to fall and I heard an evil laugh echo around me as I was swallowed by the darkness.

"Hannah! Wake up!" Said a much more soothing voice than before -- It was Tina.

I opened my eyes to see where I was, again -- To my relief, I was in my own bed.

"What happened?" I asked even more confused than previously.

"Well, I heard you screaming from the common room, actually, I think everyone heard you screaming, but I came in here to see what was going on and I saw you covered in sweat and your face looked like you were about to die so I decided to try and wake you up." She explained.

"Thanks" I said still trying to understand what just happened.

"Come on, Snape is downstairs waiting for you" Said Tina grabbing my hand.

"Oh no! Not Snape!" I whined quickly putting on something to cover myself up a bit more.

Quite a few Slytherins were down stairs in the common room. It was quite surprising as it was still dark out side -- I must have woken them up.

"Oh was little Longface trying to save her love? 'No! Harry! No!'" Recited Malfoy with dramatic hand gestures, making all the boys laugh, yet some girls stayed quiet.

"Shut it Draco" Snapped Tina as she tried to get past them.

"Oh, your little friend is trying to protect you Longley" He laughed again.

"Tanfield is right Malfoy! Shut it!" Said Snape's petrifying voice from behind him. I grinned at the sight of Malfoy's body shake in surprise.

"Longley, come with me. Everyone else, back to bed!" He called, grabbing my hand as he stormed out of the room.

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