Falling in Love with Airam

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Falling in Love with Airam

By: Reberop of X1-1R


“Come with me Carlo, come with me…”

Those words awoke me. I immediately pulled myself up from my bed and looked around. None was there. I found it weird. Where did the voice come from? Well, it was just a dream but it really bothered me. Come with her? Who was she then? I tried to recall what my dream was but all I can see was a girl with a not so long hair, blurred face wearing a long white dress, holding a jar, offering her one hand towards me while saying those words. Well, it was first day of school, so I think I should not be thinking about that dream.

It was first day of school then. I was so excited because I know that new life awaits me. I decided to study here in University of the Philippines Los Baños due to my mother’s demand. I took Bachelor of Science in Computer Science also because of my mother’s will. In fact, the entire idea of studying in college was not part of my life plans. It was my mother who pushed me to do so.

I was not aiming for any “laude” award. To finish my course on time and to make my mother happy and proud is enough for me. I was not also expecting for any friends. I do not know if that was just because I am not approachable at all or is it just because of my unfriendly look; tan skin, typical brown eyes, face with mini mushrooms and a long hair that is inappropriate for a boy. Well, I do not care. As long as I could eat more than three times a day and sleep at most eight hours a day, that would be better enough.

At first it was really hard to adjust but soon I was able to cope with it. I meet people but do not talk with them. I have course mates but I preferred to be alone than to hear their stupid stories about their crushes, failed quizzes or nonsensical stuff. Days and months passed and fortunately, first semester was about to end.

Hell week came and I was busy studying. I even skipped dinner and lunch and it was my mother who always reminds me to eat. Every exam, I always feel like “sabaw”. Until one day, it was about 9:30 in the evening when our exam in Math 17 ended. I went to McDo to eat and went back to my dorm. I am walking along Palma Bridge when I heard a cry. I got scared because the place was too dark and to hear a crying voice made it even scary. I looked side by side, front and back, but saw nothing. I continued walking but I could still hear the cry.

Fortunately I brought a flashlight because our professor told us to bring any lighting material in case of brownout during the exam. I opened it and waved it around. And in my amazement, I saw a lady sitting along the bollards.

“What does a lady do in this place in the middle of a night?” I asked myself.

I thought that she also took up the exam in Math 17. I went near her and asked her. She looked at me with a teary eyed face.

I saw her face; a very beautiful face. Red lips, spindle shaped eyes and smooth skinned face. She was wearing a long white dress and beside her was an old jar.

Then she grabbed me towards her and cried on my chest. I was shocked. I do not know what to do by that time so I pushed her softly away from me. She stopped crying.

“Miss, I don’t know what’s your problem, even who you are. But I think you should go home because it’s dangerous for a girl to be alone by this time”, I said.

“I will just go home if I have companion” her soft voice whispered.

“Seeing you here was an incident, but since I am the one who saw you, it will be my responsibility if something will happen on you. Uuhm, okay. Then I’ll go with you.” I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2013 ⏰

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