What are we?

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Little backstory for this shot Ayano and Budo have been becoming really close friends, they hang out a lot and talk very often but just as friends, so for this shot to make sense, they are really really close friends who spend a lot of time together and playfully flirt with each other (They claim it's just as friends though)

This shot is just for Ayando cuteness nothing too long nothing, just a small fluffy shot (Cause I'm working on another long shot but it's getting kinda boring cause I've been working on it for a really long time so hopefully I can post it in a week cause I need to edit it first (and make a photo for it) so yeah it's coming, but instead of posting nothing for a while I decided to post this, I did this in like a day, yep everything the writing, the editing, and I just finished the photo)

(I'm on school holidays so I have time to write fan fiction, Yay!)

Ayanos POV

I sighed as I flopped onto his bed

"Are you seriously tried? We just walked from the school" Budo said teasingly

"It's not from the walk silly" I teased as I sat up to face him

He sat on the bed next to me as he unbuttoned his jacket and left his white shirt on, I untied my scarf and unbuttoned the first few buttons on my shirt

"Then what is it?" He asked plainly as he unbuttoned the first two buttons on his shirt

"It's my mother, I'm sorry about all this again" I apologised

My mother told me she'd be working late again tonight, and my fathers at home but he told me it'd be a good idea if I stayed at a friends house for the time being so I decided to go to Budo's house since my other friends who live in town are busy

"No need to apologise, I don't mind, really... I love having your company" He teased

"Stoooopp" I said as I nudged his arm a little

He laid back on the bed and closed his eyes to relax

"Sooo...." It started to get a little boring so I wanted to start a conversation, I then remembered the martial artists mumbling something with Budo earlier today "What were you and the club discussing today, after school?" I asked

"Oh.... Nothing important"

"Come on... You can tell me" I said as I laid next to him and started playing with his hair

"They just thought I was weird cause I don't like anyone"

"What?" I asked surprised

"What?" He asked plainly "Is it really a surprise?"

"Yes... Well... It's just that...." I sighed "You're Budo Masuta.... The martial arts master.... You could have any girl in the school and you don't like any of them" I stated as I fiddled with his hair flirtatiously

"Awwww, how sweet of you to say Ayano" He cooed

I gave him a playful death stare "Shut up" I sat back up on the bed with my legs crossed "And don't tell anyone I said that"

"Why?" He asked as he laid down resting his head on my lap

"Because I don't want people to think.... We're... A couple" I started playing with his hair again, twirling it around with my fingers

"Don't worry everyone at school already knows how close we are"

I gave him a doubtful look "Really?"

"Okay, some people know how close we are" He replied smiling teasingly at me

"Does everyone in the martial arts club-" He cut me off

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