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"Urgh why is Kush so amazing?" Rachel said to her friend Gemma, whilst tucking a bit of her golden hair behind her ear.

"I don't know but I'm so jealous." Gemma replied. Both of the girls stared in awe at the sight of Kush. She was the best girl in school but she was too humble to see it or believe it. Rachel and Gemma both quickly averted their gaze as Kush was approaching them.

"Hey guys." Kush said smiling.

"Hi Kush." Rachel said, smiling back and giving Kush a small wave.

"Kushmeister!" Gemma exclaimed, fist bumping Kush. Kush laughed and continued walking. Rachel grabbed Gemma's hand and examined it.

"Kush the Kushmeister fist bumped you!" She squeaked.

"Stop being creepy Rach, we always fist bump." Gemma replied, rolling her eyes at Rachel's creepy comment. "Let's get to class. We don't wanna get bad seats." Rachel nodded and followed her brunette friend to their first class of the day.


Rachel and Gemma sat at the back of the room. Gemma was scribbling things on the front cover of her book, hazel eyes focused on the the page. Rachel sat there, staring off into space whilst tapping a rhythm with her panda pen on the desk to an unknown song. The teacher finally came in, grasping the attention of the majority of the class except for Gemma's, who was still drawing. The teacher didn't notice, as he started the lesson. Halfway through the teachers explanation, the creaking door opened, revealing a late Kush.

"Sorry I'm late, it won't happen again." Kush promised, smiling to her fellows peers as she walked to her seat.

"It's fine." The teacher said in a bored tone, obviously not caring that Kush was late. If it was any other student, they would've copped a detention for sure. Rachel nudged her friends arm,

"Did you see that?"she questioned as Gemma nodded "If that was me I would've got a detention and or a lecture!"

"Everybody loves the Kushmeister." Gemma stated, a bit more interested in her drawing. Rachel decided she didn't feel like listening to the teacher, so she started drawing too. She decided to draw Kush. She constantly had to look over at Kush, to get her features right. Eyes, hair, nose, lips, all had to be perfect. When Rachel was done, she dropped her pen onto the desk, grabbing Gemma's attention. Gemma's hazel eyes widened slightly.

"Wow Rach, that's really good!" Gemma complimented. Rachel's bright, green eyes lit up.

"Thank you." She replied politely, smiling. She had drew Kush on a blank piece of paper, that she had in the back of her book. The drawing was in the middle, everything was perfect and so it looked mostly like Kush. Rachel had amazing drawing skills but was too shy to show Kush. Obviously she didn't need to as the teacher realised that Rachel hadn't been listening to his lecture on global warming. He strided towards Rachel and picked up the paper.

"This is amazing Rachel!" He said, praising her. He went back to the front of the room and held it up for all to see. Gasps and 'wow's came from various places around the classroom. Kush loved it, it was absolutely brilliant.

"Everybody must love the Kushmeister!" The teacher said, chuckling as he gave the drawing back to Rachel. Kush walked up to Rachel's desk.

"That's freaking amazing, do you mind if I keep it?" Kush asked.

"Of course!" Rachel beamed. Kush smiled, picked up the piece of paper and walked back to her seat. It may seem creepy that Rachel drew Kush but everybody loves the Kushmeister.

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