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A/N: A certain SOMEONE wanted me to write another chapter, now I know this book or whatever is really stupid and random but bleh lol anyway KUSH I will write another chapter.

Lara sat in a booth by the window in McDonald's, eating her lunch and staring out the window, watching the cars go by. She looked up at the sky and saw an unusual looking cloud, so she took out her pad and pen and sketched it. Lara was an artist who sold a few paintings here and there. She was always looking for something amazing to draw and this time it was a cloud. A weirdly shaped cloud but Lara took it as a chance to explore her techniques and attempted to draw it. Once she finished, she looked at the pad then the cloud and sighed in defeat as her cloud looked like a normal one and not the queer one in the sky. Lara looked around the café, searching for things to sketch. As she looks towards the door, a girl walked in. Lara mentally gasped. Was it? It couldn't be! It was her best friend from high school! She called her friends old nickname out,

"Kushmeister!" Kush's head whipped around, looking for the person who called her name. Once her eyes landed on Lara she grinned from ear to ear. She held up her index finger, signalling to give her a minute. Kush ordered her food, waited and then collected it when it was ready. Kush grabbed the tray and quickly walked over to the table that Lara was sitting at.

"Hey Kush! How have you been?" Lara questioned, excited to see her high school best friend.

"I've been good, thanks. What about you? Haven't seen you for a while!" Kush answered, laughing.

"Yeah, I've been okay, doing a bit of this and that. What have you been doing since we left high school?" Lara asked, as she's been wondering for a while.

"Nothing really, I'm considering it as a gap year. I'm working so hard to get into uni."

"You were good at school, you should've got in straight away!" This made Kush chuckle.

"What have you been up to?"

"Well... Where do I begin?" Lara had done so much in the past year, she didn't know where to start.

"How about after graduation?" Lara nodded and started her story.


"Wow, someone's been busy." Kush chuckled after Lara finished.

"Yes, yes I have been. I've been selling paintings and drawings every now and then but I've been running out of things to draw." Lara said.

"Oh dopes." Kush replied, Lara chuckled at the use of the word 'dopes', the word Kush uses instead of 'dammit'. Suddenly, an idea came to Lara's mind.

"How about I draw you!" Lara beamed.

"Okay, good luck." Kush answered and smiled. Lara quickly picked up her pen and roughly sketched the outline of Kush's chin. She then sketched the outline of Kush's hair, which was plaited and put to the side. Lara sketched the outlines to Kush's eyes, lips and ears, then filling them in with detail and shading, making them look life like. She then added detail to the rest of Kush's features. When she finished she quietly placed her pen down and said,

"Done." Kush grabbed the pad and examined it.

"Wow I can totally see why people buy your drawings. This is so good! I love it! It looks like me and that is an amazing skill to have. Well done Lara." Lara smiled widely.

"Thank you so much, it means a lot." Lara replied, as she checked the time on her watch. Her eyes widened at the time.

"Kush, it's been so great catching up with you but I'm late for an appointment. Here's my phone number," Lara said, rushing. She scribbled her phone number on the back of the drawing, "call or text me when you want to hang out. Bye Kushmeister!" Kush laughed lightly at the use of her old nickname.

"Bye Larbar." She mocked, using Lara's old nickname, which Lara hated. Lara rolled her eyes, collected her stuff and walked away. Lara wouldn't get angry at Kush for using that nickname, even though she knows that Lara hates it, but Lara could never stay angry at Kush because everybody loves the Kushmeister.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2013 ⏰

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