Welp, guess we're moving!

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~Your POV~

I woke up in a bed to see the sun shining high in the sky. I look around. I'm in Dan's room. I get up and grab my phone off the bedside table. I guess Dan charged it for me. I walk out of his room and into the lounge. Dan is watching something on Netflix and Phil is in the kitchen making sandwiches. "So, we're thinking of moving because of Lucy." Dan pauses his show as he says this. " N-no it's fine. I wouldn't want to make you move." I stutter. "Nonsense, we need to get away from Lucy anyway. She clearly isn't as nice as we anticipated." Phil says as he brings out three sandwiches, one for each of us. I grab my sandwich and sit on the couch next to Dan. Dan continues what Phil was saying. "The only problem is we can't find a house we can afford. Buttttt~ we would have enough if you moved in with us I'm sure." He nudges you.  "A-are you sure? I mean, I don't have a source of income. My editor hasn't contacted me for the book we're thinking of writing." I say while biting down on my sandwich. "Then start a YouTube!! People would love you!" Dan proclaims. "I'll think about it and to your question about moving in, I would love to!" I beam. "I knew you would say yes! So we're moving at the end of the week. Dan responds finishing his sandwich. "Perfect! I told Lucy she wouldn't see me after this week." I smile and say "So when do you want me to help you pack since my stuff won't come till the end of the week and I can just get it shipped to the new place." I ask. 

"Well since it's Tuesday and we move Saturday.. how about we start packing tomorrow?" Dan says resuming his show. "Sounds good!" I hear a knock on the door. "I'll get it" I jump up. I run to the door and open it. Lucy scowls at the sight of me. " Don't worry, you won't see me after Saturday." I smile warmly. She looks at me clearly confused but shrugs. We walk into the lounge. "Oh, hey Lucy! I forgot you were coming today" Dan gives her a fake smile. "How could you forget about me?" She giggles. "I don't know how we could forget someone like you" Phil jokes. "Yeah, she has such a dazzling personality" I joke along. "So Danny~ what are we going to do today?" Lucy bats her eyelashes. "Hmm I don't know but we should meet at the park from now on. So that we get more fresh air." he glances at me and I nod. She raises her eyebrow at me and I shrug. "How about the zoo?" Phil excitedly jumps up and down. "Sure! I wanna go see the tigers!" (If you don't like tigers I is sorry!) "Yea, tigers are cool. But not as cool as lions!" Phil chirps. "Ha, you wish!" I retort. 

~Time Skip till the zoo~

As soon as we payed Phil ran right to the lions. Phil roared at the lions and they roared back. It was adorable. We dragged Phil over to the elephants even though he could have watched the lions all day. Lucy seemed to be in love with the elephants. She didn't look at Dan once, which her marveling at the elephants was pretty cute. Too bad she's so mean. I would have loved to get to know the sweet side of her. We spent most the day  wandering around the zoo. We went to the gift shop and I saw this adorable plushie.... and Dan bought it for me! Lucy however looked like she was going to KILL me.

After that Lucy went home and Dan, Phil and I went to their flat and we watched Anime for a few hours

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After that Lucy went home and Dan, Phil and I went to their flat and we watched Anime for a few hours. Dan and Phil went to bed at only 11 (WOAH) and I went to sleep on their couch around 1 because of tumbler. 

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