The Rules

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This is a contest collaboration official-visible, nomorescars and @Project-ED. Those who enter will write a short story based on plot points and prompts from our campaigns.


A short story up to 3500 words

Submitted between July 15th 12:00 [UTC] and August 15th 12:00 [UTC]

Tagged with #TheBigCollab2k16 and whichever campaign's tags you choose.

Please also post your story on one of the campaign's chapters by linking it in the comments [on mobile, do this by opening wattpad in your browser and copying the link]

Each campaign will have a plot point and a prompt that you will have to choose from.

Everyone who enters needs ONE prompt and TWO plot points, each from a different campaign. So, for example, you can choose nomorescars's prompt, Project-ED's plot point and official-visible's plot point or official-visible's prompt, Project-ED's plot point and nomorescars's plot point or any other combination.


Plot Point: Your main character realises that their disability/illness doesn't have to hold them back.

Prompt: Someone close to your main character thought was your friend/ family tells you that you are faking/ making your disability/illness appear worse, for the sake of attention.


Plot point: Your MC has to do a school/college/work assignment/project on an eating disorder and they slowly come to terms with the fact that they have that eating disorder.

Prompt; Someone close to your MC is diagnosed with an eating disorder.


Plot Point: Your MC gets angry while scrolling through social media and finding posts that glorify self harm.

Prompt: Your MC finds out that their best friend is struggling with self harm and must decide whether or not to tell someone.

We will each post a chapter on the fifteenth where you can enter by linking your book in the comments.


The winners--3-6 people will be selected to go through to the final round, receive feedback on a story of their choice and a shout out from each of the campaigns.

The winner of these three to six people will be judged by the amazing dlwritesbooks, and receive feedback on a story of their choice, a shout out from each campaign/project, be a Featured Author in #visible's official book, be featured in one of Project-ED's books as well as a REAL LIFE prize of a well-being box, created by #visible, full of things to make you smile.

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