Beefcakes and silly string {1}

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I have never truly liked the word. For as long as I can remember I have never been referred to as pretty by anyone that I do not have blood ties to.

Most people are either beautiful or not, and as far as I am concerned I fall under the not category. My brown almost red hair, ordinary grey eyes and irregularly large hips made sure of this, but over time I have learned to embrace my many features (it only took me 17 years.)

Walking threw the doors of Anthony's Secondary is never an easy task to do at 9am in the morning when I should still be in my bed asleep, but today it was different; unexpectedly an extremely tall 'jock' began to walk towards me. Although I didn't recognize him I couldn't help but notice his extremely chiseled jaw, toned under body that was semi-visible threw his tight white V-neck t-shirt and his other god-like quality's. Holy shit he's gorgeous.

My body began to shift slightly as I kept eye contact with his biceps.

Suddenly and extremely swiftly the inhumanly handsome beefcake spun around spraying silly string into my hair and all over my blue jeans. "Fuck you loser" he yelled, placing his hand on his forehead in the shape of an L before running away, which began a long chain reaction of war cries throughout the campus. Three more days, three more fucking days until I am out of this hellhole.

Anthony's is not like most schools; most schools have one senior prank week, we have three; one before Christmas, spring break and one at the end of the school year. Unfortunately winter break is just around the corner.
I walked into the nearly empty washroom muttering to myself every swear word in my vocabulary, until suddenly I felt someone jump on my back.

It was none other than Riley Adams. Her long blonde hair whipped into my face forcing me to attempt to buck her off like a bronco. She however took this as a challenge. Taking one hand that was once tightly griped around my neck and holding it in the air as she began to make the sounds of a wild cowboy.

For as long as I can remember I have always wished I could be more like her, so fun and quirky. Although over the years she has rubbed off on me quite a bit I will always be a worrywart...

Out of breath, I came to a halt I crotched down allowing her tippy toes to touch the ground. Even though she is average height I am not.

"Jesus Charlie, did you get taller?"

"Nope, but I think your shrinking" I chuckled sarcastically, knowing she couldn't stand it when I mention her being oh, 3, 4 inches shorter than me.

Scowling long and hard at me I finally broke the silence. "Shall we?" I asked, propping my arm up as if ready to escort her to the prom. "Mr. Chambers awaits."

"Ya" she muttered, dropping the deep scowl I had been reviving for the past 5 minutes. "French teachers shouldn't look like they just came off of project runway..." We both broke out into a fit of laughter that quickly ended before entering the dreaded French room that manically smelled of rose petals and candy perfume.

I looked over to count the about of juicy red apples given to our teacher by the ogling girls in his presence.

Until I was interrupted by persistent tapping on my shoulder , what the hell?

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