Hanabusa x Male! Reader

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"Come on my dear~" The seductive tone came from the one and only Hanabusa Aidou. His sharp blue eyes aimed at a random female he tried to hit on.

"B-But Idol, I m-mean Aidou.... W-We can't, what if the Disciplinary Committee catch us out here?" She protested. Causing the dirty blonde to chuckle.

"Don't worry my Princess," he paused, leaning closer to her, "I have a close relationship with one of the members."

"How close?" An irritated male voice came from behind the bushes outside of the school.

The blue eyed vampire jumped slightly, and turned around. Seeing two males, one tall and the other short. The silver haired male held an irritated look, and the (h/c) haired male looked pissed, of course, you of all others had to be in love with this playboy vampire... "Kiryuu? (Last Name)?!"

Zero looked at the girl as she trembled. "I'd suggest you get back to the dorms." He narrowed his eyes. The girl nodded and ran away.

"Hanabusa, why are you skipping class today?" You crossed your arms. A smirk crept on his handsome face.

"Just out for a walk with my new friend." This made you huff and turn around, glancing back at Zero, a glare on your face. Let's say this, you may be small for a male, but you can scared the shit out of people.

"I suggest, Aidou, that you get back to class." You frowned, and walked off, Zero following you.

"(Name)... So scary when he's angry.... Not gonna lie... Its kinda hot." He grinned and walked back to class.

A few hours passed by slowly, it felt like watching an agonizingly slow murder scene. A sigh had left your thin lips. Eyes downcast to the grass, and cement. You glanced around the grounds of the Academy from the roof top. Suddenly feeling the weight of gravity force you down. Slowly, your body became weak. Black dots blurred your vision, a soft ring echoed in your ears. You could faintly hear shouting of your name as you fell off the ledge.

Yuki ran towards you, as fast as she could, but alas... She was too late. Luckily, Zero had seen you, and rushed to catch you in his arms. "(Name)?" He shook your body, trying to wake you up.

"Zero!" Yuki shouted, running up to you and the silver haired vampire. "Will he be okay?"

"I don't know. Let's take him to Headmaster Cross, and see if he can do anything." She nods as Zero carries you to the Headmaster.

Once there, Kaien looked up from his documents that laid spread out on his desk. A shocked look on his face. "What happened?" He asked. Yuki had explained to her father what she had witnessed, up to the point where Zero saved you. "I see... Let's give him a few days, and see if he wakes up... Of course, someone needs to watch him, until then. Zero and Yuki glanced at each other and nodded.

"We will take turns."

It has been a full month since that little accident. You lay lifeless in your bed, your skin turned very pale and sick, your hair became flat and rough. Every now-and-then, Hanabusa lays next to you at night, when no one was around,  his blue eyes full of sadness, "I'm still waiting for you (Name)..." He whispers, and kisses your cheek. "I've been waiting for you to tell me to stop fooling around... Tell me your jealous... That you love me..."

He sits up and looks at the moon from the window. His eyes follow the light and it rests on your sick figure. A heavy sigh left his fair lips. "... Because... I love you." He leans down towards your cold lips and kisses you softly. Then quickly moves away, and leaves the room, before someone catches him skipping class.

You stir in your bed, mumbling, "Ha-Hana...busa...." You're eyes slowly flutter open, and look at your surroundings. To find yourself in your bed. In a empty room. You could have sworn someone was here... And they kissed you... Not just anyone, but Aidou... Or was it just a fantasy? But it felt so real!

"(Name)! You're awake!!" Yuki cried as she gently hugged you.

"Hey Yuki. I'm sorry to make you worried about me."

"Shut up, that doesn't matter," she cried more, "all that matters is you waking up."

"Welcome back (Name)." Zero spoke from the door way.

"Thanks." You smile weakly, "but... Was there anyone else here?"

"No, its only been us..." Yuki stated.

So it was...  Just... A dream...

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