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A cinderella for the sheikh
Chapter twenty

'How did she even learn to ride like that?' That was the thought ruling my brain right now.

She looked so regal. She had this sort of calmness and aura around her as she rode.

The woman in question had no idea that she had an admiring spectator.

She rode like it was the first time she was free.

Like it was a ticket out of prison.

Anybody who looked at her would know she had years of training. She was a pro. No beginner controlled a stallion like that. No one could. Unless, of course they were naturally gifted and had a knack for taming horses.

This was the pleasant sight I saw as soon as I got up today. I could hear hooves hitting the ground form my room and I had to just peep out of the window. At first I wasn't able to make out that the woman riding was Sophia so I had just come to appreciate the rider but then when I realised it was her, my foot stuck on the ground and I forgot how to move.

As I came into view the horse slowed down. I knew I shouldn't have made an appearance but I just couldn't help it. I could see Sophia assessing me from the corner of her eyes.

With that she came to a halt and this seemed to upset me. She shouldn't stop what she liked to do for my sake. I simply go back to my room or go for a jog, which was what I do at this time but my craze for horses just had to bring me here. I loved cars and horses and it was as simple as that.

No, I actually loved chocolates too.

Well, there were a lot of things I loved but that is not what matters here.

'I'm really sorry for interfering. I didn't know it was you until I was almost near or I would have turned back."

She just gave me a nod and I sighed. She'd never open up to me. But it was for the best. I shouldn't try to get her talk to me  anyway. We were here only for a reason. We had our limits. If it wasn't appropriate to be alone with her in the first place but the we were in a situation we couldn't really control. We had to save her life so she had to stay with us. Thankfully Julia and Kades  presence made it better. But still, we were not kid's anymore to have that easy camaraderie. We were adults and we also had to keep our boundaries in check. I would have to try not to keep trying to get her into a conversation. It wasn't appropriate. Especially if we were alone. The circumstances forced us to come into hiding. There was no need whatsoever for needless conversations which could be avoided.

But still, even after lecuring myself so much I couldn't help myself but ask.

"Where did you ever learn to fly like that?" I was curious. She was as good as or even better than me and that's really saying something, since I had a ton of medals in horse races and polo.

I could see the corners of her lips lift up a little as she replied.

"It was my HousSam uncles stable man. He was great. He taught me how to ride since I was five. Everytime I was upset I would go to him and he would take me on a horse ride at the age of seven he taught me to ride on my own. In secret though. Every time I needed to escape reality he was there right beside me. Racing with Me."

My lips lifted up. No wonder. I started at four though. I should be better right?

"But it seems that whenever I seem to get close to a person and if they care for me they are somehow taken away from me."

She said with an almost effort to smile but instead she winced. 

I didn't know what to say.

She did let me into her life for once the way I desired but it hurt her in return. Great job. I should really pat myself on the back for a  job well done. A charmer I was. Really.

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