Ferba sectret

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Ferb love tetris. Ferb has sectert crush on the blie blocl.Ferb plays so much tetris that it worieed fineas. On day fineas came into ferb room and turn on computer.  phines found much tetris porn. Tyen fineas clicked away and turn on sailo moon.  Phinea love moon. 

"Fuck isabelle if she was moon," sad phineas.

Ferb walk in him rom. He saw fineas MASTER Baiting!!!

"OHSHITDUDEIMSORRY," screamo pherb.

la ferbo walk out his room.

"chit, thats me rom," Pherb said.

He came into him room with gun. He shot him sister with le gun.

"Sheet," finea gave tumbs app.

Pherb B-came gangsta AF!!!!!!

They puk compute on split screan and master baiting togetha to sailor moon ande tetris block kisin butts.

Ferb loves da tetris A$$Where stories live. Discover now