Chapter 3

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He walked away. I assumed he wanted me to follow him. And so I did. In the end I ended in the office I guess. A gay/transvestite man was standing there. Glaring at Persona in front of me, though he covered it up quickly with a smile as soon as he saw me. It was fake, it was disgusting. I would of thrown up if it wasn't for Persona in front of me. As if sensing my distaste for the man he blocked my view of him. His cold voice broke through the silence. "Could you give her uniform to me, I will explain everything to her." It didn't sound like an request, more like a demand. As I looked past Persona I noticed the gay/ transvestite man had paled and thrown the uniform at Persona. Persona not faced by this, grabbed it out of the air and turned and walked away. I trailed behind him, matching his fast pace easily. He showed me my room. The special star room, right across the one of Natsume Hyuuga. Persona only threw me my uniform and with the same voice of his he said: "Change, I shall show you your class." 

I walked in the bathroom and changed. I putted on my headband. I walked out of the room. Persona held something in his hands, it was a star with a circle around it. He placed it on my uniform.

"Let's go..." Was the only thing he said and like always he just turned and walked away. I followed and kept quite some distance. He stopped in front of class 2-B. "This will be you class." Was the only thing he said and walked briskly away, he suddenly stopped and said over his shoulder "Dangerous Ability Class." and walked again. Shrugging I knocked and opened. The sick gay/ transvestite man was about to walk away and students where in a mid throw. The class had almost literally frozen when I walked into the room. A spark of humor flew into my eyes when I thought about the last sentence... 

"Ahh, our new student!" Said the disgusting gay man jumping up and down in fake delight. He grabbed my arm and dragged me with him to the front of the room. Annoyed I ripped myself from his grip when we where there. The gay man faltered slightly and cleared his throat. "We have a new student today class! Please introduce yourself Ibaragi-chan." Again the fake enthusiasm. Glaring slightly I said monotone: "My name is Ibaragi Aiko." Turning I asked the gay man "Where is my seat." Silence... the class was gaping at me, but the gay man quickly recollected himself "Ahh, your seat is next to Youchi-chan, and your uhh... partnered with him! ehh yeah..." I kept glaring at him, when I suddenly turned to the class. I saw a tall silver haired boy glaring at the gay teacher. Probably this 'Youchi-chan' he was talking about. I walked slowly to him, when someone putted his foot in my way, probably to trip me. Acting as if I hadn't seen it I casually stepped on the foot making sure I putted enough presure on it, and I heard a hard screech, hurting my sensitive ears. Wincing slightly, so that no-one saw I continued walking to this 'Youchi'.

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