Forgive me part 2

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I run away from Louis and hid myself backstage. I looked around and saw Harry talking with Liam and Niall in the booth practicing, I sighed and tried to hide somewhere else but it was too late " Y/N , hey what are you doing here?" Liam's voice asked " hey guys, I am here with my best friend" Niall came out of the booth and hugged me " did Louis see you" he asked quietly looking around " yes" I murmured and Harry excused himself to go find Gemma , I saw Lou coming in with Lottie besides her " Y/N !" Lottie cheered and hugged me , at the sound of my name Louis walked backstage and saw us " Y/N please listen to me" he pleaded and I shook my head walking towards another direction, I heard someone running and Louis caught up with me " please" he sounded tired and I couldn't help but give in , he took my hand and a million butterflies exploded in my tummy, he took us in a room with alot of mirrors around and a table in the middle, we sat opposite of each other and he started talking " saying those words to you was my worse decision ever, I love everything about you, your hair, your lips, your smile, your laugh, your jokes, your cooking and every single thing you do , I don't hate you I love you. It was a hard period, all the recording because of the awards and the new album coming up so please baby , forgive me" he finished talking and I was about to cry " okay I understand" I managed to say and he hugged me tightly, I wrapped my legs around his hips and we kissed, I had missed his lips and .

" Oops , sorry my bad' someone said opening the door and ruining the moment that me and Louis were sharing "toucha Zayn get out" Louis said trying to kiss me but I was really embarrassed " Babe stop" I told Louis and he pouted, Zayn brusted out laughing at my red face and Louis slapped him behind his head " jerk " I told Zayn and he laughed more, Perrie entered the room and awed as she saw me and Louis holding hands " Zayn Malik, leave the couple alone and come back outside" she said trying to sound strict " okay boo , I am sorry" he said and left , Perrie chuckled as we laughed and Louis said" this man is so whipped" causing me to laugh more and Perrie blush but go back outside, " shall we?" Louis asked teasingly extending his arm, we linked arms and went outside.

" Louis, Y/N , are you back together?" A paparazzi asked . A reporter approached us , she was wearing a long green dress with gold neckline cross " Louis, this is Tress from News from Hollywood , can i ask some questions?" The lady asked " of course" he said kindly" first question, are you and Y/N back together?" She asked her eyes sparkling and waiting for Louis or me to answer, Louis looked at me and smiled " Yes we are , and we will never be apart again" he said and smiled towards Tress " These are fantastic news" she said clearly not excited " and last question Y/N , who are you wearing, because I have heard more than ten celebrities admire your dress tonight, boys and girls" Tress said and Louis grip tighten around my hand , he was so cute jealous, I kissed his cheek but he kept looking around worried that someone would be checking me out " Well tonight I am wearing, Victoria Beckham new collection" I said smiling" well thank you both " she said smiling and then she smiled at the camera " This was Louis Tomlinson and Y/N Y/L/N , with Tress for News from Hollywood" the camera man nodded and turned the camera off.

Louis and the guys preformed three songs: You & I, Better than words and Best song ever. I sat next to Lottie, Lou , Perrie and Sophia .

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Love you ❤

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