Warped Summers (warped 2010)

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"Kira!" I called out to my younger sister.

"Whaaaat?!" She yelled.

"Can you help me pack? Please?!" I begged. I heard her huff in the distance and footsteps coming towards me.

"Iz, I don't want you to go!" She pouted.

"Kira, I'll be back before you know it. Okay baby girl?" I kneeled down in front of her and place my hand under her chin, bringing her eyes up to meet mine.

"Would it make you feel better if I got you a present?" I smiled.

"....like what?" She pondered the idea.

"What would you like sweetie?" I bribed her. I couldn't stand to see her upset. She was only five and it killed me to leave her, seeing as she was pretty much the only family member I was close with.

"A Barbie!" She grinned.

"Deal, but you have to cheer up ok?"

"Okay.." She grabbed a few items of clothing I had folded next to my bag and tossed them in.

"You're such a good helper! Thank you!" I smiled.

"You're welcome." She giggled and ran away. I shook my head and continued packing.

"So, you really are leaving?" My older brother Phoenix asked.

"Only for a couple months or so, you won't even notice I'm gone." I spit.

"Trust me, I'll notice. I might throw a party, I thought you'd never go." He taunted.

"Like people would actually show up. You don't have any friends."

"Do you even know the meaning of friends? I don't think you have room to talk considering you don't have any either." He retorted.

"Do you honestly think I would bring my friends over here? You'd scare them away, you disgusting pig." With that, I slammed the door in his face and locked it.

"That's mature." He yelled through the door.

"Shut up Phoenix!" I screamed and turned my iPod on, turning it up until I couldn't tell what he was saying.

"-fucking good for nothing whore-". As the song switched, I heard a snippet of what he was saying.

I unlocked the door quickly and gave a lot of energy into a good right hook, right into his eye.

"Ok, fuck you." I yelled before shutting the door.

I packed at a quicker pace. Phoenix has a way of making "home" unbearable. Normally we aren't fighting physically but I figured since I'm leaving anyway, I might as well give him a good punch. Something I've been waiting to do for quite some time. I couldn't wait to leave him behind. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Isis? You ready yet?" My best friend Alan asked.

"Almost, Phoenix was being... Distracting." I explained.

"Well hurry up. Warped tour awaits." He chuckled.

"Trust me, I'm hurrying. As fast as I can." I laughed.

"Well, I'll see you in a bit. Ok?"

"Sure thing. Later gator." I giggled.

"Bye.. Loser" Alan hung up, laughing.

Seeing as I can never EVER decide things, I packed all my t-shirts that I could find. Who knows what I'll want to wear. Once I had filled two suitcases and a backpack I figured I had enough things. I tossed my iHome into my backpack and shoved my iPod, a pair of headphones, and my phone into my pocket. I dialed Alan's number,

"You here yet, Ginger?" I smirked.

"I've been here, Medusa." I hung up and headed downstairs.

"Kira? I've gotta go, come gimme a hug!" I called, waiting by the door.

"I'm coming!" She shouted as she slowly made her way down the stairs.

"Love you Isis!" She yelled and kissed me on the cheek.

"Love you too Kira. Call me if Phoenix is being mean, ok?" I directed. She nodded.

"Phoenix! I'm leaving!!" I shouted and headed into the living room.

"Mom, Alan's here. I'll see you in a couple months, alright? Keep an eye on Kira. She needs you, ok? Dad would want you to make sure everything goes well and to keep living life. Like you used to. You know that's what he would want. I can't keep taking over your jobs, I have a life to live. Now go in there and make Kira some breakfast, she loves Lucky Charms right now." I demanded. My mother nodded her head and sulked into the kitchen. I've been holding up the house lately, but Alan convinced me to go on tour with his band Of Mice & Men and live life. I gave in.

"Love you Kira! Be a good girl for mommy ok?" I told her.

"Yeah." She shouted from the kitchen with a mouth full of Lucky Charms.

"Bye!" I yelled, closing the front door after grabbing my bags.

"Do you need help Iz?" Austin asked, stepping out of the car.

"Please?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed my bags, putting them in the trunk.

I got in the back seat and saw Shayley.

"SHAY!" I yelled excited.

"IZ!" He yelled, matching my tone.

"I missed you!" I smiled.

"Missed you too!" He grinned.

"Oh and Ginger! Medusa is a totally different Greek goddess. Isis was the supreme goddess. Get it right!" I smirked.

"My bad, I could've sworn you had snakes for hair last time we talked." He grinned.

"Shut up!" I laughed and punched him playfully on the shoulder.

"So, are you excited for warped tour Isis?" Tino asked.

"Is that a real question? Duh I'm excited." I smiled.

"So, how have you been?" Austin asked.

"I've been.. Good." I smiled.

"That's good." Austin replied, but with a tone that seemed. Different. I don't know how to describe it. It was like he was holding something back. My phone buzzed. It was from Austin.

'Text: You don't look so good Isis. You're scarily skinny. Your jacket slid up too i saw your arms. Please talk to me?'

I looked around quick to make sure no one had seen the text.

Text:'I'm not that skinny Austin. I'm fine..' I replied.

I heard Austin let out a deep breath, signaling that he was frustrated.

Text: 'You aren't fine. I'm worried about you. Please.. When we get to the venue., how about going for a walk?'

Text: 'The last thing I want is for you to be worried. If it'll make you feel better, we can walk around the venue and talk, ok?' I replied.

Text: 'thank you'

I nodded and kicked his seat to get him to turn around. Once I had his attention I gave him a cheesy grin. He smiled sadly and turned back around. I felt my eyes get harder and harder to keep open.

"Hey guys.. I think... I'm gonna... Go to sleep." I practically whispered.

"Alright, goodnight Isis. Sweet dreams." Shay mumbled, and started rubbing my back. I smiled into Tino's shoulder.

"Thanks guys.." I mumbled as I drifted off into sleep.

Warped SummersWhere stories live. Discover now