Chapter 1 - My Magical Item tried to brain me

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~~~ Arrival at school

Sakura wasn't really sure how or why she had gotten a scholarship to the local International School, but she had. On top of that it was a full ride scholarship for the year, and it would be reviewed at the end of the year. Depending on how she did it would either be canceled or renewed. If her grades, merits, and demerits were good then she would probably get another year. It would also depend on what her teachers had to say about her. She knew the orphanage she lived at didn't have the money so someone had to have recommended her. Nobody would say anything or admit to it.

Since she had arrived in the middle of the day, her two dormmates were in school. She took the time to unpack what little she had. The uniforms she had been issued were hung up neatly and following the instructions in the rule book she organized her drawers. There were a few books and manga went in a bookshelf as well as her few personal items. Taking care of it took all of a half hour. Since she had the rest of the day off, she flopped on her bed and tried to decide what to do. This was more freedom than she had ever had, and it was rather scary.

Her parents had died when she was five or so and she had lived at the orphanage since then. It had been ten years since she had been taken there. The priestesses who ran it had been nice and ensured the girls had what they needed. It wasn't all that much but they had been cared for. After laying there for a short while she found the urge to go into town was overwhelming. She had to go and at least peak around to see what was there. This area wasn't a section she was familiar with. The orphanage was in a different part of the city. Sakura didn't have much money and she wasn't going to leave it behind and ensure she didn't spend it.

After rolling off the bed she checked herself in the mirror and sighed. Her clothing was clean and tidy but obviously well worn. Eventually she would hopefully be able to find a job of some sort to get some money and purchase some new clothing. Sakura knew of several used clothing stores which would work for her. With a sense of resolution, she left the room and padded down the stairs and slipped out of the door. As was a habit she remained in the background and shadows. It was the best way to avoid being picked on.

She did have to snicker at that. A number of those who had picked on her and others found it was a really bad idea. One girl had her skirt fall off as she was walking past a group of boys. Another somehow got glue in her hair and it had to be cut out. One boy fell asleep in the wrong place and woke up with a moustache drawn on his face.

The one thing Sakura had been very careful to keep under control was her sense of humor. It had taken her a long time to learn to filter what she was going to say. The priestesses had a number of ways to help encourage their girls to be proper young ladies. Now away from the temple the orphanage was part of she was known for her evil sense of humor.

As soon as she was past the entrance to the school she almost screamed with excitement. This was one of the first times she had been totally unsupervised outside of the temple or school. Her eyes were gleaming with pleasure as she scooted down the street until the school was out of sight. For the next hour she wandered around and looked in windows to see what the various shops had. Eventually she reached the food section of the Honch and had to sniff in appreciation. This was the main reason she had left her small stash of money behind.

For some reason she moved through a side alley to follow a new scent, one she had never smelled before. Whatever it was the food smelled simply delicious. As she was moving through the alleyway something made her look up. As she was looking something flashed past her face and hit the pavement in front of her with a very solid thunk.

It happened fast enough she didn't even have time to flinch much less jump back. "What the hell?" Before she looked down to see what had almost brained her, she looked up but didn't see anyone above who might have dropped it. "What was that and where the hell did it come from?" Sakura muttered as she glanced down and found it was a hammer which had flashed past her face. It was sticking out of a small crater it had landed in.

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