Rainie no

31 4 1

I got re tagged by Rainie (AKA BeBrave) and she forced me to do it D: so here we go

I got re tagged by Rainie (AKA BeBrave) and she forced me to do it D: so here we go

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1. How many dances have you been to?

Uh... Let me think...

3? O.o

2. Have you ever kissed anyone?

Not mouth to mouth if thats what you mean.

Unless you count Toby's dog pushing me over and licking inside my mouth. In that case I have... -_-

3. Have you ever met a celebrity?

I don't think so...

4. Where are you from?

My mother's womb

5. What do you look like?

Glasses, 5 ft 4 in, blonde hair a bit past my shoulders, blue eyes

6. Do you plan on getting married?

I sure hope I find the right person to marry

7. If you could be anyone in the whole universe who would you be?

God. That'd be cool.

8. Would you rather be able to fly or breath underwater?

Okay so you see the problem with this one is that I am afraid of deep water and afraid of heights and gaining a superpower wouldn't get rid of the fear so I choose telepathy.

9. What do you plan on doing with your life?

I plan to live 😎

10. Will you ever be able to go on an adventure?

I'm not Dora but maybe

11. How many people do you have in your family?

Six including the dog, excluding me

12. Are spiders going to haunt your dreams because of what I am about to tell you next?

*looks down*

Well yes if the end of the world means Earth is conquered by the eight legged devil creatures

13. Will the world end in the year 2033?

No it will end soon after that though. At most thirty years after, by my predictions.

I'm not tagging anyone again.

Also I have art.

I have eight more. I'll put those in the next three parts.

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