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Tyler Jøseph X Jøsh  Dun: fluff.
◦ Tyler was getting ready to go to a show, while waiting for his band member, Jøsh Dun. Josh wasn't usually this late , so Tyler decided to call him and put him on speaker so Tyler could finish putting on his black paint. It rang twice and Josh was on the other line. "Yesss...?", Jøsh said like nothing was wrong. "Where are you at?! We go on in 15 minutes!" Tyler yelled while frantically trying to find the rest of black paint, who knows where his manager put it? Josh hung up and walked in . "I'm right here, ty." Tyler jumped up and knocked over his pair of sunglasses. Josh had all his makeup on, and was ready to go on stage. Tyler on the other hand , wasn't near close to ready. All he had was his pair of skinny jeans and polo shirt. Josh grabbed a can of black paint and pushed Tyler down into his spinny chair. Josh slathered the black paint over Tyler's neck and hands . Tyler glared at Jøsh for a few seconds and then sighed.
They were on stage and getting ready to perform "guns for hands". Josh was watching Tyler sing his heart out and how he played his piano at the same time . Josh enjoyed watching and Tyler and thought that he had a beautiful voice compared to most guys. The bad part was that Tyler was married to this girl named Jenna . Yeah, Jøsh got kinda jealous whenever Tyler and Jenna kissed or hugged in front of him. He wanted to kiss and hug Tyler, but he didn't want to ruin their best friend relationship, so he kept it to himself. Tyler glanced at Josh and smiled his goofy but adorable smile. Josh smiled back and threw one of his drumsticks to the audience and a bunch of girls began screaming. After the show , Tyler and Josh walked backstage , laughing . "Dang, girls must love you of they scream when you throw a DRUMSTICK at them.", Tyler said while laughing a little. Josh saw Jenna drive up in a convertible. Tyler sighed and looked at Josh sadly. "Well, she's here.... GTG...", Tyler said while getting in the front next to Jenna. Josh then remembered the time they filmed the video "tear in my heart" . Josh felt his face flush when he remembered Tyler and Jenna kiss at the end of the video, right after she beat the crap outta Tyler. Josh growled deeply and walked back to his car and drove home.
◦ Right as Josh walked into his house , he got a text from Tyler. "Can I come over.... Jenna broke up with me...😔", It said. Josh gasped at the thought of anyone breaking up with someone so funny and sweet as Tyler. "No, I'm on my way. Where are you...?!", Jøsh responded as he ran out to his car and backed out of the driveway. "I'm on grove street... At the corner by this taco restaurant.", Tyler responded. Josh didn't car what the speed limit was, he sped down the street until he saw Tyler sitting against the wall in the pouring rain, holding his knees to his chest. Josh parked the car and ran to Tyler and pulled him into his chest, hugging him tightly. Tyler burst into tears. Josh knew that Tyler never cried unless he was really depressed. "I d-don't know wh-what I d-D-did wrong.... Is it how I look? My personality?", Tyler asked as he looked at Josh with tears . "Of course not , ty.... You're a perfect person and anyone would love to have you in their life.", Jøsh said while hugging Tyler even tighter . "I-I'm sorry I made you come d-down here ....." , he said to Josh. "No, it's because I care about you... Jenna needs to realize what she's missing out on". Josh knew that Tyler was taller than him, but he held him into his chest anyways. Josh didn't know what to say... Tyler was still crying in Josh's arms. "I'm so afraid... Of what you have to say... Cause I am quiet now. And silence gives you spa-a-ace....", Tyler sang with a crack in his voice from crying. Josh just wanted to kiss him so badly, but he just held onto the taller boy. "Ty....I just.... -" Josh was interrupted by a deep kiss from Tyler. (EXTREME FANGIRLING!!!! THIS SHIP IS GONNA SAIL ACROSS THE ATLANTIC OCEAN!!!!!)Tyler backed away from Josh and looked embarassed..... "I-I'm sorry.... I didn't m-m-mean to ...." He cut off himself with his own crying. Josh jumped up and embraced Tyler into a tight hug. "Tyler.... Don't feel sorry.... It's fine... " Tyler was still crying but not as loud as he was a few minutes ago. "It's just th-that....", Tyler began. But Josh interrupted him with a kiss of  his own. But this time, Both of them melted into the kiss. They stumbled across the road and towards Josh's car. Tyler was against the car as his fingers ran threw Josh's red tinted hair. Both boys were still kissing and Tyler pulled back for a breath to get some air, leaving a string of saliva between the two.
◦ *time skip, bought to you by my laziness....*
◦ Tyler was getting ready to walk to this interview that the two signed up for. He grabbed his white hoodie and opened the door. Tyler couldn't drive because he didn't have a car. Josh came up and pulled Tyler back inside. "Nu-uh.... You're not walking ty, I have a car. I can ride with you there.", he said.  "Josh, you really don't h-" , Tyler started to say. "But I want to... Get in the front passenger side. It's unlocked.", Jøsh said while nudging him towards the car. Tyler sighed and sat in the car. Tyler had to stay at Josh's place until he could afford his own place. Jenna took all of his money and wouldn't let him at least have the car. Josh hopped in the car and turned out the radio. "Stressed Out" , coincidentally began to play. Tyler frantically reached up and turned it WAY down. " I don't sound so great ....",he said under his breath. Josh lightly slapped Tyler's leg and turned it way up. "Yes you do, mr.Depressed .... Just listen to yourself.". Josh responded. Tyler rolled his eyes and watched as the car backed out of the driveway and into the road. "Joooosh....... Pleeeease turn it off...", Tyler groaned. "-when our mommas sang us to sleep, but know we're stressed out!", Jøsh sang along. "You're stressing me out...", Tyler said as he put his hood on. It was well before an hour before the interview, they were a block away. Josh pulled the car into a secluded area and opened the door for Tyler. "If you don't get up, imma smack you with a banana ....", Jøsh yelped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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