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The two girls jumped back from the house as it rocked with an explosion. They looked at each other with wide eyes before running towards the flaming building. Before they reached the door however, two firemen grabbed them and held them tightly. The older girl kicked the fireman holding her in the knee and he groaned in pain, his grip on her loosened. She took the opportunity to break from his grasp and run inside the house.

The younger girl screamed and strained to run after her. Two other firemen ran into the house after the girl while many others got the fire hose ready.

From inside the house, a blood curdling scream rang out and caused the younger girl to freeze. A single tear ran down her cheek as she whispered one word. A single word that meant so much to her.

Her entire world.


A call came from inside and a fireman burst through the door with something in his arms.

The younger girl burst away from the man holding her and ran to her unconscious older sister. The older girl coughed and smoke came from her mouth. Ashes covered her face and hair. Her tears were black as they streaked down her face.

Stifled sobs made their way through gritted teeth as she covered her eyes with a bleeding hand.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

She repeated it over and over as paramedics loaded her onto a stretcher with her little sister sitting up front.

After a few hours in the hospital they were finally released, only to be taken down to the police station. The older of the sisters had a few scrapes and bruises along with a mild concussion, but besides that and mental trauma, she was fine as was the younger sister.

They sat silently in the office of a homicide detective. She smiled softly. "Girls, can you tell me your names?" Her voice was soft and sweet, like a mother's. It made the younger cringe as she stammered, "I'm Ka-"

"Hayden and Kari."

The younger sister looked at her sibling shocked. The detective's brow furrowed as she looked at some papers on her desk. "It says here that your names are-"

"I said, 'Hayden and Kari.' Our names are Hayden and Kari."

The detective sighed softly and said,"Alright. I'm going to guess that you're Kari. So tell me, "Kari", how old are you two friends?"

Kari glared at the detective. "We're sisters. I'm 13, Hayden is also 13." The detective frowned again and opened her mouth to say something, but closed it and shook her head.

She mumbled a few things as she made some notes on a piece of paper and put it with the others. Kari watched the detective carefully. She made note of every finger tap, eye twitch, breath, every single movement.

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