Author's Note: Please Read

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Update (1/25/2013) 

Okay, this is the mambo. I'm writing another Psychological Thriller/Romance/ChickLit book about a dishonest claustrophobic girl who falls in love with the young mailman. How? Read and see. Why? 'Cause you're awesome like that.

I really want to apologize to Grammar Nazi's out there reading this story. This was my first story. I was still in high school when I started it. And English is not my first language. So that explains why the grammar errors. I'm truly sorry. Don't like it because it's hard to read? Then, click 'External Link' and it will transport you to my latest work. I'm an English Major now, so BAM! a perfectionist was born the moment I did my first essay!

There are few errors in Nucleus of a Soothless Bystander (don't be afraid to point them out), and I'm practicing some literary techniques with that plot. 

I haven't convinced you to check my new story out yet, huh? Read this, then. 

'He closed the door behind him before dashing so close to me, I hardly felt the ground beneath my feet. His all demeanor seethed. I felt it. The heat. The passion. The anger. It suddenly made me dizzy.

"You can't play with people as if we're some dolls!" he said to me through clenched teeth. His eyes briefly alighted on my lips. My knees buckled, but he never noticed how affected I was by him. He just continued growling at me. "I''m not your doll! And I'm tired of believing in every single lie you say. I'm tired of fighting this. I'm tired of watching a happiness in your eyes I can't reach. I'm going to do this. I'm going to--------" '

Sorry, I'm going to keep that spoiler for those who read it. My treat.

Not convinced yet? Darn. You're good. I'll give you another excerpt. 

'"I've always liked you not wanting to like you from the moment I saw you."

My voice ran away from me along with my courage. I couldn't even glance up at him. I was afraid he could see how much I cared for him by just looking at my watered eyes. 

"You're the kind of girl that gives company to my thoughts."

And then, I knew. I finally knew I was falling in love with him. But it was too late.----------------------'

There's a slight chance that this might not be your cup of tea, but believe me, honey, this will be your Starbucks coffee.



                                                              Flying Mozart  aka  (Raquel)                                                   

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